The "Big Picture" Transcends the Misogyny Addressed by #YESALLWOMEN!

Tuesday, 03 June 2014 16:46
We need to see the whole picture behind misogyny, because addressing only gender is calling the half moon that we see once a month the "FULL MOON!" I would like anyone to logically and calmly (i.e., without emotional defensiveness) debunk this working/playing lol hypo(hyper lol)thesis: namely discover or invent, etc., your limitless consciousness, your self identity to replace your language determined, socially constructed various identities (gender, race, ethnicity, religion, class etc.)

Once you dare to risk BEING your limitless consciousness, you can BE instead of HAVE your self validity! Instead of HAVING "validity" that is false, because it is externally language generated and thus it is subjectively and socially generated (because having is a property construct that is an illusion and a social performance) you can BE a transcending consciousness experience, a language free limitless language free EXPERIENCE to yourself!

Instead of HAVING ego and drama performances of IDENTITY requiring external validation from and to others via language, you can BE LIMITLESSLY your consciousness-confidence! In other words, too often our race, our gender, our ethnicity, our class, our occupation, our social performance, etc., is like a religion to us, that is encased, constructed by and with language.

Religion, all religions, begin with shared language and the belief in that shared language that is used. But shared language is based on, and therefore limited by, judgment. Language and/or the belief in the religion of language, is very similar to depression-as-a-drug. You could almost say that depression (language-depression?)IS our drug, our drug of religion, and we are almost all depressed and in denial that we are all depressed.

We MUST all be depressed, otherwise we would be able to have alternatives to using sex, repression of sex (i.e., morality), sports, alcohol, drugs, conspicuous consumption, bullying to violence, in language (symbolism) to acting out in conduct that consumes US! For example pornography is a huge problem. Martin Amis wrote that pornography is changing human nature. But before we CAN change human nature we must first BE human!. Instead of hardly ever BEING human we have limited IDENTITIES instead of what we all could be: our limitless consciousnesses. your social media marketing partner
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