Abortion as a Last Resort and Necessity for the Threat of Overpopulation

Written by David Starr   
Sunday, 26 May 2013 06:26

The general outlook of hardcore "pro-lifers" on abortion/birth control, as with other issues, reflects not only a B/W view of the world, thus being overly simplistic, but also Orwellian in its moral tone.

But the recent scandal involving Dr. Kermit Gosnell's particular abortion practices in Philadelphia has obviously stoked the "fires" of the controversy.1

Assertions from "pro-lifers" such as the following points (from among others on The End of the American Dream website) are rather typical with omissions and distortions:

1) More than 53 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. since Roe v. Wade was passed in 1973.

2) There are more than a million abortions, total, in the U.S. every year.

3) Abortions in the U.S. are roughly equal to the total number of U.S. military deaths in war, overall.

4) It was reported that 41% of pregnancies in New York City end in abortion.

5) A "shocking" study: 86% of abortions are for the sake of convenience.

6) According to the Guttmacher Institute, the average cost of a first trimester abortion is $451.00.

7) Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is quoted as saying, "The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infants is kill it."

The following are responses to the seven points above:

1) The figure cited as to the number of abortions is somewhat accurate, although a little higher. Roughly, near 50 million were performed (although, not a dramatic difference)2 .

2) About half of these abortions are unintended pregnancies. Forty-two percent involve insufficient income, below 100% of the federal poverty level (then all the more need to learn and get knowledge about family planning). Relating to religious denominations, 37% of the women were Protestant and 28% Catholic.3

3) Comparing the number of abortions to overall U.S. military deaths brings into play a great deal of hypocrisy among "pro-lifers" who've supported imperial war/intervention. Since World War II, U.S. military-related deaths from war or proxy wars in 37 nations is estimated at 20-30 million people.4

4) For abortions in New York City, at least from the early 1960s, deaths from ILLEGAL abortion occurred 42% of the maternal mortality rate.5

5) Abortion for "convenience": Poverty, lack of, or no, education about sexual relations, keeping a pregnancy secret out of fear of being vilified, a mother who doesn't desire more children or cannot properly bring up a child, an upbringing where abuse is perpetual with less, or no, chance of survival or with pro-longed suffering, medical problems, abnormalities, rape and incest are not exactly choices of "convenience."6

6) With medical expenses increasingly high, implementing healthcare as a basic right, i.e., free and/affordable, is all the more necessary. Abortions costs have also affected 13% of born-again or Evangelical Christians.7

7) The Sanger quote taken from the American Dream website is taken out of context. See http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Margaret_Sanger for details, as well as misattributed quotes8.

A book entitled, "When Abortion Was a Crime, 1867-1973" (University of California Press, 1997), by Leslie Reagan gives a detailed history on the subject. For example, illegal abortions were attempted by women themselves or in a back ally scenario. With crackdowns, abortions were treated clandestinely: women were blindfolded, driven to remote areas, dealt with by strangers they couldn't see, and dealt with drunken abortionists using unsanitary conditions, filthy rooms and even using the back seats of cars. Class divisions were (are) obvious. Many middle-upper class women could secretly have abortions in hospital or outside the U.S. There was four times more chance of nonwhite women dying than white women.

Then we have the consequences, past and present, multiplied on a worldwide level.9

Another serious issue logically connected to birth control is the threat of overpopulation: a worldwide increase from 6 to 9 billion peoples within 50 years; the adoption of an average of two children per couple not preventing increases after one generation; in recent history, more than three billion peoples suffering from malnutrition, increasing the chance for diseases like diarrhea and malaria.10

Other consequences from overpopulation include: peak oil which greatly impacts food supply; water shortages and unclean water; climate change; shortage of nonrenewable resources; and, said to be the biggest consequence, environmental destruction.11, 12

The most well-known attempt to deal with overpopulation in recent history is the child policy of China (PRC). Criticisms and condemnations have come from the West, citing a coerced policy. But, with overpopulation being a threat, is there really an ideal choice? A 2008 Pew Research poll showed 76% of China's population supporting the policy. Do conditions in China make it necessary, as opposed to conditions in the West? Chinese leaders have said that the policy was considered temporary, gauging population increase vs. resources.13

"Pro-lifers" condemning birth control/abortion and dismissing the threat of overpopulation shows a total flight from reality. But within reality, birth control has been practiced since antiquity. The main method involved the knowledge of plants. In 1500 BC, Egyptians used pessary, a vaginal suppository. Greeks used siliphium, now known as giant fennel. Wild carrots called Queen Anne's Lace were used in later centuries. In centuries after that, a plant called pennyroyal was used.14

The advancement of Stem Cell Research has provided the means to treat congenital disorders, cancers and degenerative diseases that have affected millions of people of all ages.15

A poll was taken called, "Should Abortion be Legal in Cases of Rape and Incest?” shown on the www.debate.org website. Sixty percent responded yes, while 40% responded no. Comparing the reasons revealed a lot.

For the Yes'es: "...the victim [of rape]" has been "through a horrible experience that will haunt them the rest of their life. The victim is a person too, not a heifer, not an incubator." "Are you going to deliver it? Buy it diapers, clean and feed it?" "I am a Christian, but no woman, girl or child should have to suffer the pain twice." "The state should not be used as an enforcement arm of the church." "...having children isn't the ultimate goal for all women." "God doesn't run this country." "...if you're seriously against abortion, go line up to [adopt] a child." "What if the child asks, 'Where's daddy?' What would you say? That he's locked up? I was raped?"

For the No's: "...there are countless opportunities for adoption, including leaving the baby on the doorstep of a church or charity. [This isn't the 1930s Depression era]" "God has a reason. God has a reason for everything to happen." "In God's eyes, abortion is murder, no matter the cause of the pregnancy. That is up to God alone." "God's responsibility is to punish the person who did that [Rape? Abortion? Both?]." "Slavery was once normal and that never made it right [included within slavery was rape. Is slavery wrong and rape acceptable as a method of conception?]."Two wrongs don't make a right." [One wrong doesn't make a right. If it wasn't for the first, the second would never happen.]

Looking at further polls, CBS/New York Times (09/08/2012) showed 42% supporting abortion in any circumstance and 35% saying yes, but with strict limits. Overall, 20% said no.

Almost a year later, Gallop (05/02-07/2013) showed numbers decreasing in the first category and an increase in the second one, 26%, 52% respectively. The third category was still at 20%.

The Grosnell scandal, no doubt, affected the numbers.

The connection between abortion/birth control and overpopulation brings up the following questions. Which is the most ethical?

1) Legal procedures which provide a proper environment and hygienic conditions; and without vilification.

2) Conduct mass bombings of the worldwide population, which has been similar in wars that "pro-lifers" support.

3) Mass starvation.

It does look like a no-brainer. After all, options two and three signify overt genocide, suffering, pain and destruction of men, women and children fully alive.

And in determining when life begins, hardcore "pro-lifers," take an uncompromising stance. But, then, that brings up the following absurd scenario: If sperm is life, then reproduction involves the killing, perhaps souls or half-souls (?), of 100s of 1000s of them, trying to get to the egg. Should reproduction then be outlawed? Would it be considered murder?

Yes, absurd, but this is reflective of the absurdity "pro-lifers" exhibit in not compromising at all, influenced by medieval-like thinking when church/state power existed. It's time to stop dwelling in this kind of past, and learn from its consequences.

© David Starr 2013


1)Jalsevac, John, “Gosnell Medical Assistant admits cutting the spines of 10 babies born alive,” (03/19/2013). Life Site News.

2)Jones, RK and Kooistra, “ Abortion Incident and Access to Services in the U.S.” (2008). “Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health,” (2011).

3)Guttmacher Institute Fact Sheet.

4)Lucas, James A., “Death in Other Nations since WW II Due to U.S. Interventions,” (04/24/2007). Counter Currents.

5)Socialist Worker, “When Abortion Was Illegal,” (10/21/2005).

6)Bankole, Akinrinola, “Reasons Why Women Have Induced Abortions,” (09/1998). Section: “Underlying Reasons for Abortions, Table 2. Guttmacher Institute.

7)“Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States.” Guttmacher Institute. Section; “Providers and Services.”

8)WikiQuote, “Margaret Sanger.” Section: “Women and the New Race.”

9)Winkler, Judith, “Abortion: Abortion Worldwide,” (05/2005). Our Bodies, Our Selves/Health Resource Center.

10)www.ecofuture.org “Overpopulation – Quick Facts,” (06/21/2002.

11)www.overpopulation.org, “Overpopulation FAQS.”

12)“Worst Environmental Problem? Overpopulation, Experts Say, (07/20/2009).

13)“The Chinese Celebrate Their Roaring Economy, as They Struggle With Its Costs,” (07/02/2008). Pew Research/Global Attitudes Project.

14)“13.2 Birth Control in Antiquity,” UIC Education Classes.

15)Panchision, David, Stem Cell Information, “Repairing the Nervous System with Stem Cells.” National Institutes of Health.

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