The Uncertainty Model

Written by Beth Carter   
Sunday, 16 December 2012 21:58
There's a plethora of things to cover and not enough time to cover each one individually. All are connected. The glorification of intellect over maturity has germinated and fostered many social aspects which have brought us to a cliff of extraordinary gravitas. Each subject below regardless of category is a single facet of the Frankenstein we now face.

Regarding marijuana and hemp here in the United States, policy can be straight forward, even simple. Keep out imports initially. Charge tax on recreational use, not medicine. Let patients grow for themselves, for a collective, and/or for dispensaries which will provide medical supply. Keep the pharmaceutical and tobacco companies out of it entirely from inception and ever on. Let farmers grow hemp since our tobacco supply is almost entirely import. For patients with issues, biological or behavioral, marijuana as medicine may be an appropriate, accurate option. For people who want out of fossil fuels and deforestation, hemp as an alternative is impeccable. Now is the time, quite literally is we listen to science at all; construction is the biggest contributor to greenhouse gases.

However, there is science which helped create the Frankenstein which has us backed up on the cliff. This science can be found in pharmaceuticals, agriculture, weapons manufacture, etc. It would lead us over the cliff like lemmings so enthralled with themselves that they plummet to their deaths. This science came into control of the American diet in the early 70's, the influence of which has lead us to the deplorable state we are in nationally with obesity and child cancer rates being what they are, outrageous. Medical science has fallen behind agricultural science, and the FDA rubber-stamps to promote innovation instead of being a stop-gap to ensure public safety. Mapping DNA, from wheat to Christmas trees, has become a scientific fad. Genetic modification is held up as the crown jewel of such mapping, but this is the lemming fascination with intellect.

As recent (October?) article clearly stated that wheat is not genetically modified, and that U. S. crops are currently safe. However, the lion's share of U.S. wheat is exported. In Washington State, we have the possibility of an artisan wheat market. The ecology is perfect for it in certain areas, but with Franken-science drooling over the sequencing we will have a hard fight to keep Nature at her current best. A pesticide has recently been cited as a direct factor to the increase in allergies seen in the population in the last few decades. Again, medical science lags far behind agricultural “innovation”. GMO plants were created to withstand concentrated pesticides, but instead of enough food to feed the world we have super bugs.

The “Green Revolution” was an abject failure to society, but still a cash cow for investors. Genetic modification is the danger of biased preference over whole-system coordination. There has been gaps between national security divisions, but that is nothing compared to the disconnect between scientific disciplines. Everyone is too focused on who will get the patent, the patent office being willing to grant a patent for the invention of a stick, a branch of a tree lying upon the ground, as a retrieval toy for a dog. This is a sublime example of glorification of the cleverness of intellect of the person who filed for the patent. It is absolutely absurd the patent was granted as it overstepped and overvalued the human expression of life on the planet. It is again the face of the Frankenstein who knows no limits, is without humility, compassion, or gratitude. Speaking of patent support for our Baby Huey Franken-science, the patent for Round-up expires next year. Chemical manufacturers have created a kind of police force to check that farmers are upholding the patent rights. There is also a patent legal fight, headed for the Supreme Court next year, of a medical company intending to corner the market on a medical test for breast and cervical cancer. Even though the patent office will not grant a patent on human life, they have granted a patent on an modified organism which eats crude oil. This is the pinhole in the dam. Lawyers are skilled at argument, but as of late we as a nation have been held at point and walked down fascinating avenues of thought which lead only to dead end after dead end. This leads to a general anxiety in the population so that we ask (quite often of late) what the world is coming to—what's going on? Comments about Aspberger's is a red herring. The actual issue is the attempt to deify intellect over God/Nature—to tame it, domesticate it and replace the Uncertainty Model with human design via human intervention. However, the human imprint is biased toward human preference and humans are not alone on this planet. If we were, we would be literal cannibals, using human skin for fabric. We are again, glorifying the brain while ignoring, belittling, denigrating the heart of humanity for it is the one thing the intellect is unable to overthrow entirely. Maturity is obsolete, dismissed out of hand as irrelevant—mere opinion. Maturity after all is not in textbooks. It is something derived from situations on a case-by-case basis. It is a “product” of experience and therefore must be treated as more an apprenticeship. This is an undesirable scenario in our convenience-centered lives.

Psychology has been utilized to great affect in advertising and market research (See the BBC documentary The Century of the Self), but has largely failed the general public. Mental health seems to be considered a privilege, but it is one even the privileged avoid—social stigma, you know. After all, maturity (aka mental health) requires courage, fortitude, and perseverance in the sorting of historic/histrionic baggage. Eating healthy also seems to be for the privileged as the processed foods so available in grocery stores are inexpensive (compared to healthy foods), habit-forming, and virtually insisted upon by the forced convenience of our hyperactive society; overproduction has been our motto since assembly line. Emotional baggage is what caused the stammering of King George VI. Imbalance of nutrition is what caused the madness of King George III. What I find most incorrect these days is the sloppy use of the word “entitlement”. There is a nuance of the word which adds insult to injury, a kind of verbal sleight-of-hand. The nuance implies authority and power, not simply legal rights. However, folks on disability become wards of the state, no longer in full possession of citizens' rights. Folks on state assistance of any kind must wade through a blizzard of forms and questions about their private lives, having to prove their sad state to the state. To imply the needy have authority while they are on the rolls of “entitlement” programs is to rub salt into an open wound. However, those who have little concern regarding financial liquidity display the authoritarian nuance without conscious effort, yet the wealthy complain about entitlements of the poor as if the French Revolution continues, the masses breaking-and-entering to steal the family heirlooms right off the mantlepiece. Again, the sleight-of-hand is amazing. Lawyers argue that the poor game the system while lobbyists for the wealthy work to allow the affluent to game the system legally through intricate loopholes via convoluted, dead end arguments. The con job from Republicans about the fiscal cliff is the demand for cuts to social programs in exchange for taxes on the wealthiest 2 percent. Social programs have already been cut. The only thing new here is the increase of tax on the uber rich. There is nothing fair about this. We've been suckered, abused by the disrespect for the humble people who are the bread-and-butter of the nation. This is classic biting-the-hand-that-feeds-you.

The fact that the Connecticut shooter killed more females, adult and child, should be a clear signal, but it will be glossed over and ignored as usual. Women are subject to mental instability just as much as men, but men have been in direct control of political and social spheres for centuries with precious few exceptions. Psychiatry and psychology have been focused on abherrations while studies on mental stability have been new ventures. A documentary called Happy delineates the current findings. I have also heard of a study which showed that men lie more often to protect themselves whereas women lie more often to protect others. As the female body is the first world of experience for a human being, she is the bread-and-butter of humanity. She is the epitome of kindness by nature, if she is still connected to God/Nature. According to the book The Biology of Transcendence by Joseph Chilton Pearce, woman is the key to correcting the imbalance. Through contented pregnancy (impossible without group effort), psychological pathology can be reversed, but it would also flip the dynamic of society out of the hands of the invested, entrenched, manipulative intellectuals.

The intellect and the emotions are interdependent, like a fork and a spoon. Will, the ability to make a choice, is the knife. We must learn to balance constructive skill with healthy love. Receptive needs assertive and vice verse. Each individual has both, experiences both no matter how subtle. Denial of this breeds sociopathic and psychopathic deeds. Equality is essential and the centuries of social abuse of the masses via psychological manipulation must be addressed; subliminal messages have been banned for good reason. Tactics have changed but results have not. Facing down Franken-science is a tall order, but even Goliath fell. If we want to recognize the world as the place we helped create, we must deal with the monster in the room for we did, through our complacency, nurture him. We have been a silent accomplice to our own demise. We must break the silence in order to resolve to heal.

The Uncertainty Model is more than correct, it is necessary. It allows for beautiful anomalies, stunning creations of rare expression—once in a lifetime moments. Life is messy, and wonderful. Sterilize life, and it dies. While Franken-science continues to try to convince us that God/Nature can be put in a collar and an owners' tag, we must flatly reject arguments that lead to manicured, sculpted dead ends. Life is fecund and ingenious. We must accept and work with that instead of denying it. your social media marketing partner
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