Thanksgivering, Black Friday, Christmas, and WHY Go Shopping?

Wednesday, 26 November 2014 06:51
Shopping IS war on future life, and everyday can have "Christmas" spirit.

Well, here we is, another year of business as unusual. We have our spots camped out for Black Friday’s lifeless debt filled bargains, and we have our guns at the ready, because we all know that there is just NOT enough to go around. And, screw the spirit of sharing or caring, we’re in it for ourselves!

Just like our “leaders” which are in it for as much as they can get. In the old days, that would likely have been 10 or 40 years of hard time, and now, it’s just a slap, in the freak show of lunacy, the theatre of the absurd, the insane orgy of corporate profiteering which is America, home of the endless wars of consumerism and Manifest Density. Our home of image as more important than substance, and media not reporting on much beyond a Kardashian bimbo, or partisan bull, which serves nobody.

As we go out and shop and consume, on credit of course, buying a bunch of new stuff which nobody really needs, perhaps we could use a step back, and some consideration, consideration of and for those which we say we love and care for. Perhaps have some consideration for ourselves too, and our expectations, and assumptions?

Perhaps, the best presents we can give to each other, are the gifts of love? The gifts of clean air, pure water, and healthy soil, which SHOULD be rights, for all life? The gift of a planet worth living on for anything’s future? I would suggest that perhaps, all the disposable shiny new buy products are not worth the space they take up on the shelves, or in our homes, and, that there IS more value leaving most of our Christmas gifts, in the ground, as diverse living Natural systems?

I would ask us all to look around and consider this finite earth we share with myriad life, most of which is NOT human, and consider also that perhaps, just perhaps, living diverse Nature has more value than our money, and more value than a pile of plastic, and more value than brown air, black water, or toxic soil, which are the remains left where life once lived, along with the landfills filled from our trash cans full of icky plastic wrapped in plastic goo, which we fill and send “away” week after month after year.

I would suggest that we consider, there is no “away.” What ARE we creating and leaving behind with every purchase, and are we being loving or kind as we consume away?

When will we look into our own trash cans, and begin rebuilding the commons of Nature?

Clean air, pure water, and healthy soil, are the basis of the only wealth or security there is, and, we have some big problems to address and fix folks, or, do we just party on, including allowing the bozo’s in office, on all sides, to continue the insanity?

I say, lets fix this world. More love, and send the jerks with lawyers, guns, and money back to nursery school, or under a rock someplace. We do create this whirled with every waking dollar spent on junk which leaves wastelands behind, or invested in a future worth living in.

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