Sunday, 29 July 2012 21:27

Sometimes I frighten myself because of all the power that I seem to unleash inside of me by doing IMPROV! There is a limitlessness "impish spirit" inside of me that seeks to be free from almost all restraints, language movement, tone of voice, mannerisms, etc. At least this has been my experience doing IMPROV or perhaps the IMPROV "IMP" does ME!

I am TRYING to communicate that that there is INSTITUTIONALIZATION and the WORSHIPING of the RULES, REPRESSIVE RULES AND VIOLENCE (symbolic and/or actual violence) that is ENDEMIC and internalized and normalized within THE SOCIAL CONTRACT! IMPROV temporarily frees me from THE SOCIAL CONTRACT in a non-violent, but very therapeutic, fun way and allows me to be my SELF VALIDITY. It's almost an oxymoron: IMPROV IS EXPRESSED INTERNALITY!

Most people are so FAR from BEING their own self validity, that, IMHO, they FEAR anyone with self validity. People are terrified of even CONSIDERING that they CAN survive and even THRIVE by being their self validity instead of settling for external, socially constructed IDENTITY! IMPROV allows me a safe expression of my wannabe inner (omnipotent) child. It allows me to "re-do" my childhood and is, as a result, satisfying beyond communication.

Everyone, it seems, or just about everyone, is DENYING that the world CAN BE ANY OTHER WAY! Improv let's my limitless out, if only temporarily. ALMOST EVERYONE denies that it is even possible to ever be LIMITLESSNESS, even temporarily and this is what I detest! (TRY IMPROV and/or that which is close to IMPROV, namely stream of consciousness alternative comedy-comedy where you BECOME your unscripted stream of consciousness!)

All I want is my own individual freedom (absolute self validity) and I could care less about everyone else, EXCEPT those who, likewise, want their own absolute self validity! I do wish, however that everyone wanted to BE their self validity, because I would love to have COMPANY and others who understand what BEING your own self validity is!

IMPROV provides this self validity and I am also able to be company for myself, even if it is an isolated (at this time) self! I hope that ABSOLUTE SELF VALIDITY, and continuous IMPROV can and will be in my future, and perhaps this WILL INCLUDE ABSOLUTE HUMOR and best of all, maybe there will be others who also IMPROV through life. Then we may be able to share love and humor and an IMPROV way of life so that instead of EVER being the slightest bit mean or bullying or violent we can BE absolute self validity, together and can, instead, laugh or even simultaneously laugh and cry, now that is multi-tasking lol your social media marketing partner
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