The Ongoing Bipartisan Betrayal of the American Voters

Written by C Gardner Wilson   
Monday, 27 May 2013 20:43
Whatever else may be said of Bill Clinton, he left office with the first budget surplus in living memory. Had those surpluses continued, we no longer would have a national debt, and Social Security, medical care, education, research and development, and our infrastructure would be fully funded and our tomorrows would look bright. But, almost on his first day in office, George Bush began to pillage that budget surplus as if it were the problem and not the solution. And, later, not content simply to punish those responsible for the attack on the World Trade Center, he launched two huge wars while promising us that those wars would not cost us anything, since they would be paid for by Iraqi oil. And, as he cut taxes and increased spending, his Secretary of the Treasury reportedly was telling the British not to worry about our ballooning international debt, because the plan simply was to cut Social Security and other protections that Americans had won for themselves over the (then) past 60 years. Yes, we have arrived, here, today. Those two wars cost trillions of dollars plus trillions more in the lost economic multiplier effect. No, the Iraqi oil did not pay those trillions of dollars. And, no, our national debt has not been paid off by continuing surpluses, on the contrary, it is the elephant in the room. It is the reason we cannot tax the billionaires, because they are our salvation, our job Creators. It is the reason our bipartisan Congress is preparing to shred our social safety net, while, at the same time, they are preparing to vastly increase the "legal immigration" of foreign workers, and they are doing both these things at the same time one out of every six Americans who wants to work full-time cannot find a full-time job. Why? Because American workers "do not have the exact set of skills" that American employers want, so why should American employers pay to train American workers when American employers simply can import foreign workers who already have the full set of skills, and, furthermore, will work for less and not make waves? Yes, that means that there are so many Americans who are unemployed and underemployed and underpaid that we clearly cannot afford a social safety net, so, what's the problem? See? It is all so sensible. Yes, we are at that place in time, a place far enough away from an election that our bipartisan Congress feels that they now can safely perform these long anticipated acts of betrayal of the American voters. Now, our Congress is standing, united, in a bipartisan spirit to do what they have been planning to do for over a decade. Now, their Immigration Bill and their Budget "Reconciliation" Bill will find their ways to the floors of Congess. Now, they will betray us as they invoke our massive national debt, a betrayal that was promised to the British over a decade ago, a betrayal of our social safety net and our job security. Yes, this will be a "balanced" betrayal in which our massive defense budget also will be "cut," but "off-budget" defense spending will not be cut nor will it be counted. So, as we are sure to find our way into another mega trillion dollar war, defense spending simply will be increased at the next opportunity and our national debt will continue to explode, until it is time for another bipartisan betrayal of the American voter. Yet, the strangest thing is that everyone already knows all this. But, in our two-party system, when the scoundrels stand together, what can we do in the next election to show our outrage? We can do nothing, because we are helpless, and they know it. Sure, we can boot this one or that one out of office, but then we will be forced to elect another party provided candidate who will be just as bad or even worse. So, history must judge us as deserving this bipartisan betrayal, because we are weak and we are stupid snd we are lazy. your social media marketing partner
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