America's Most Terrifying Group of Psychotics With Guns Is CONGRESS.

Written by Lawrence Brown   
Saturday, 29 December 2012 16:17

Congress makes the Mafia look like0

Mother Theresa.

Since 2003 Congress killed over 5000 Americans

by voting them into a fake "war" in Iraq (the Mafia didn't

kill that many people during the entire 20th Century--and

they didn't do it for imaginary reasons--they had real reasons,

no less real because killing people is WRONG.)

9 out of 10 Americans admit they despise


Know why?

Because Congress people are our lawMAKERS.

And,just below the surface of consciousness, we

all know that our lawMAKERS control the aiming of

all the GUNS our lawENFORCERS are armed

with.That's just the local LEO's (Law Enforcement


They,if need be,are backed up by the

National Guard who,as their name makes clear,

are guarding our nation--you don't want to mess

with them.

THEY,if push really came to shove,are backed

of by the United States Armed Forces, who have

weapons that make mere "Guns" look like the equivalent

of shooting at something with your thumb and


That's a lot of deadly force,controlled,

ultimately,by 535 elected puppets who couldn't

get real work.

What to do?


All of them; no exceptions( except Al Franken,

who has amnesty because as a Saturday Night Live

writer performer he really understands how laughable

these Congressionsl morons are.Note: I do not

know Al Franken and,not living in Minnesota couldn't

vote for him.)

The problem isn't our various levels of

Law Enforcement; we WANT them to have

"don't even think about it" firepower.(There are

other Bad Guys out there who are almost as

Evil Incarnate as Congress.)


We can completely fumigate Congress in

the next 6 years so that every useless Senator

and Congress member is replaced by Americans

who are WORTHY of America.

Sound impossible?

Uh uh. Piece of cake,day at the beach.

walk in the park---and,unlike Congress,it'll

be the one thing that money can't

buy: FUN!!!!!

OCCUPY WALL STREET,come forth!!!!!

The rumors of your death were

greatly exaggerated.

(This time get a self-less LEADER who

doesn't need OWS. Quit your Daily Show

job,Jon Stewart,see what it's like to fix the

stupidity instead of make jokes about it.

Hey,Chris Rock; ya wanna REALLY hit one

outta the park? Hey,Al Franken;resign from

the Senate and become more effective than

all stupid Senators combined.)

Millions of people who were active

in OWS (or simply had OWS active in their

Hearts,Minds and Souls) can wake up Jan 1

and become not an idea whose time had

ALMOST come,but an idea whose time has

REALLY come.


An organizing website called

"" which provides

to all Americans a Daily Accounting of what

EVERY Senator or Congressperson does

EVERY day.(How can you judge these clowns

based on political tv ad drivel they spew out

only in election years?)


will tell us:

--What they voted on and why.

--How they are thinking about voting

on something.

--Which donors to their campaign they

had breakfast,lunch or dinner or drinks

or talked on the phone or emailed with

--and what was discussed.

--What kind of free expert advice on

complex subjects they need because they

aren't qualified to make judgements?

And get this:

Most of the work in constantly loading the

site w daily updates will be done by the

Senators and Congresspeople's staff's

trying to make them look good.

But that'll be easy to see through

because they'll all hire the same type

of "Internet Communication Consultants"

who will all use the same old tired bag

of tricks that make virtually all online

advertising a 100% failure (with no

hope in sight of TALENTED people


Seed money to launch this?

Some outfit that whose PRODUCTS

are not politically partisan:

Like PEPSI,whose CEO Indra Nooyi

is a health advocate leading a worldwide

anti-obesity campaign.

Or Coca-Cola.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

George Lucas' Edutopia Foundation.


Lotta Fortune 500 CEO's feel like nothing

always being unfavorably compared to

Steve Jobs; here's their chance to feel

"cooler than they did in high school" as

genius Director Ron Howard puts it.

Slogan for this Crusade?

Let's Act Like AMERICA Again.

Fire Congress!

Reminder: "EVERY generation needs a


--Thomas Jefferson

(It would be good to have a

Washington Insider who still has a soul

consult on this; Ralph Nader comes to

mind,maybe Katrina van den Heuval.)

Note: I've never met Ralph Nader but

we have had some inspiring phone talks,

and Katrina's father,Ambassador

van den Heuval hired me at 23 to create

youth voter ads for the Robert Kennedy

for President campaign which he oversaw.

But I don't care WHO does this.

As long as it's done.

Hey,I'm talkin' to YOU.

--Lawrence Brown is the

Co-Founder of

UnderstandingMEdia 1 / YOUTUBE

POLITICAL CHANNEL ,with Cabell Smith,

who is a descendant of Thomas Jefferson's

right hand man Joseph C. Cabell of Virginia.

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