Kingpins Of The Towering Decadent World

Monday, 22 December 2014 02:15

Freedom is not always achieved by joining a circle in society which dictates to you how you should dress, think, act or believe. Society is greatly interwoven with aggressive competitiveness, control freaks and greed. The tower of decadence is a tall theoretical skyscraper, propped up by people who pursue a life of want, be it money, success, drugs or power to control others... it's all one tower of decadence which only props itself up and excludes the mainstream society from the freedom to choose independently. To build towarsd, and live in the tower you have to use all means possible to get there- and barriers are broken to climb to the top, with your liberties and security at risk of being lost along the way.

Only a few decades ago society built new cities and towns, new technologies and new boundaries or choices for future generations, yet extreme capitalism, gang culture and extreme religious-types have tried to take progress to a place where only their selfishness exists. Today the World isn't safe from circles of destructive power who forever attempt to keep hold of their power structure, whether it be the power structures in business, gangs or religion. If you pursue rich businessman lifestyle, you probably did not achieve anything new or anything magnificent for the good of the World- you probably only joined the ranks of the relentless business-elite, scratched backs and lived on a diet of toxic influence alongside similar types, and became one of many who fight other corporations, or fought members of another gang, seeking to hold that powerful position. Rising through the ranks of Wall Street or being a top level crime boss only serves those in that power structure and the person at the top- the 'kingpin'. Of all the drug money flowing in and out of banks, trading firms and investment circles laundering cash through the financial 'professionals'- who are the actual 'kingpins'- is it their accountants or the old CEO or the 'Godfather'?

What about religion? 'Religious' crusaders across the World use extreme violence to become as poisonous as the drug gangs, and as greedy as any business circle, who equally are decadent and look down upon the mainstream society, because they fight for their own power structure and seek to capitalize on their own self-centred desires. Groups known as ISIS, ISIL, IS, Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Janjawid, Boko Haram are on par with violent gangs and selfish capitalists who absorb power and wealth- and they all live in the tower of decadence together, fighting and killing each other out of hatred for each other's success and power status. Big business has shown its destructiveness, seeking to overpower smaller corporations to consolidate wealth into their own power structure, regardless of the businesses and lives that they will destroy. Gangs of drug cartels kill one another to consolidate wealth, control and power into their own circles.

How can a World be free if it continues to kill itself over barrels of oil, over consignments of cocaine or over a belief that religion has to be implemented by means of murder, oppression and violence? If the choices we want in life are dictated to us by a bunch of bullies, or by a new generation of thugs on drugs- then we will be slaves to whichever circle of decadence reaches us first. Some countries have already fallen victim to drug cartels, some to religious extremism, or others are 'governed' by capitalist greed which pulls the political puppet strings. Quite often none of those are a good option, because they do not seek to preserve any freedom, but only seek to dictate an order of control over millions of people. That is what the 'new world order' really is- one towering skyscraper of decadence to control choices and to dictate your freedoms to you. Freedom does not mean to take as many different drugs as possible without care for consequences, nor does it mean a few corporations should have absolute monetary control as possible- nor does freedom force you to follow any religion.

We are only human, with a spirit that defies evil dictatorship. Laws are there to abide by, and limits or barriers are set to stop
control freaks from controlling and/or destroying the lives and souls of other people. Wars or conflict which are based upon revenge only create more war and more conflict, which in centuries gone by was considered to be the aim of what was called 'Satan', and a recognized goal of Satan was to get mankind fighting amongst themselves and killing under a ideological banner to the bitter end- and the World is seeing the equivalent of 'Satanism' daily on their television and on the internet, be it adverse sexploitation, the wars created under corporate influence or the murders by terrorist groups.

Many governments across the World are embroiled in a vicious game against other nations, many of whom are the most oppressive regimes possible. North Korea is country with the worst human rights record, with prison gulags where hundreds of thousands of prisoners are kept in the worst conditions, and where the leadership of the country forces its people to cheer government in the streets -the citizens of North Korea literally have to force themselves to cry when their government's leader Kim Jong Un makes a public appearance or face persecution by officials for not 'loving' their leader enough. The North Korean government keeps ts people oppressed by keeping them in poverty and famine while tens of billions of dollars are poured into the North Korean military defence system. Other nations such as China and Russia never speak out against the North Korean leadership in any way whatsoever- in fact Russia's media focuses on making America and Britain the focus of ridicule and blame, while Russia own journalists fear criticizing their own government due to assassination and threats against Russian journalists in past decades. Russia was listed as being the second most dangerous country for a journalist to operate- the first being Iraq.

China is the another nation where people are treated with harsh brutality by authorities, and total respect towards government and authority is something that the people of China are born into. The slightest public criticism of authority or government in those forementioned regimes carries possible jail sentence, torture and death threats. Russia and China have agreed upon a currency 'swap' deal, where either country can access each other's currency if either currency collapses by hyperinflation or if sanctions are placed to prevent those countries doing free trade. Birds of a feather flock together...

There is a war on for your mind, your soul and your freedom to choose- a war against your freedom to live as you choose. Gangs, cartels, big business and political terrorists unite in their towering decadence. We should walk around that towering inferno, spit at it and call it what it is. Satan- the destruction of mankind's peace and goodwill towering higher each day. It is from the top of the satanic tower of decadence that the kingpins live, inharmonious- and they spit hatred at the rest of the World from
their position high up on that tower. Even at the very top of the tower is the fight for ultimate control of planet earth, with each kingpin secretly believing that they are the single solution capable of controlling or ruling over planet Earth, the only planet we have- and our Earth is slowly being pulled apart and destroyed by the decadence that refuses to accept peace and equality, and which refuses to allow independent choice of peaceful and good people.

The war for our planet's resources is the greatest threat to our existence as humans. As countries build up to achieve modern World standards the supply of natural resources has become a delicate trade deal game, with stock and share brokers across the World playing the numbers game, with the most powerful nations being given the power to apply trade and financial sanctions on other nations. If today's modern World has a billion people who require 'x' amount of natural resources- then in ten years time one half billion people more will require fifty percent more natural resources- and that is not an easy World to sustain. So many nations rightfully seek to pull their people out of poverty and to create a modern 'Western-lifestyle', which will be a virtual impossibility because the immediate availability of resources are not accessible by many nations. Most major corporations which deal with the mining and supply of resources allocate resources to the top nations in control of trade and finance, and third World countries have not acquired the monetary wealth necessary to build their nations- or simply the wealth those nations has is used at the leisure of leadership or for building a strong military, as is the case with North Korea and other similar nations.

Ultimately, one day that tower of decadence will collapse into a pile of rubble and be buried, hopefully forever. Gangs, conflicts of religious belief, corporate wars and other conflicts started for the pursuit of wealth or control are often selfish pursuit which has brought the World's leadership to use satanic methods of cruelty and violence, forced famine and torture against so many people. How many of these cartels, gangs and corporations give substantial assistance for humanitarian needs? Do weapons manufacturers, organized crime syndicates and extreme religious groups spend time each day conjuring solutions to save lives- or do they only spend their days thinking of ways to make mammoth amounts of money, finding ways to destroy lives and control people for their own goals?

Leadership in Russia, China and North Korea take bigger steps each day to build up their military rather than build up education, employment opportunities and a good life for the people of their countries. The North Korean leadership has recently shown utmost concern about a silly Hollywood movie which ridicules Kim Jong Un, when in reality it is the appalling conditions which its people live under which should anger the North Korean government. In modern cities our lives are bullied around by authorities and agencies who take our taxes over minor crimes such as illegal parking or jaywalking. People pay huge amounts in taxes throughout their lives, yet there are Police who use the most violent methods to detain and question a criminal suspect, and people have become very tired and critical of Police brutality in America and across the World. There are actually Police and authorities in some third world countries who do not treat people with such levels of violence and exist in greater peace within themselves. Military use of torture and violence has blighted the name of many countries, and 'national security' is the phrase used by officials in defense of those incidents of torture and maltreatment of prisoners of war.

The gang culture that has spread in modern society itself has a violent edge which threatens the peace, but which has been created by poor governance, poor education, discrimination and poor employment opportunities which has led to crime as being the only way out of poverty and homelessness. Government budgeting of expenditures are reshuffled on a regular basis to apply financing to areas of a country where the most recognized businesses and industries prevail, at the expense of smaller towns and cities which do not have such a strong workforce. The smallest of towns fail to produce much tax for Government, and are often left to crumble. After World War 2, the cost of repairing London and rebuilding lives led to hundreds of thousands of people in Welsh communities of the United Kingdom being cut out of the picture almost completely. Train stations were closed down throughout Wales during the periods of different Government in the United Kingdom during the 1960's and 1970's, and investment in train services linking communities and trade to and from Wales has only been restored within the last decade. Other regions of the World have suffered in similar and worse times, with many hanging on the edge of life itself while being choked by crime, cartels, big corporations, authorities and poor or corrupt governance.

Caring for the peace in society does not mean Police should be given powers to choke or beat protestors or demonstrators. North Korean dictatorship methods of subdueing their people and Police subdueing the population in modern countries is virtually the same, so we cannot boast that modern society has a flawless system. Big business subdue their opposition by trying to destroy it financially. Governments try to control unemployed people by reducing or removing social security benefits- many of whom have physical or mental problems. The system is flawed, and although a modern society has an appearance of bigger buildings with more employment opportunity, government attack the people with harsh sanctions and laws which hurt, imprison and kill people who are not capable of becoming part of, or coping with the complexity of modern city life. The disconnect between government, Police and the people is a large part of the flaw in the modern city system, with people often seen by leadership as uneducated, unreasonable animals who need punishment, which is how North Korea, Russia and China often treat their own people. Human rights in those nations is a but a phrase- not a protected set of laws.

Greed, government, gangs, religion and war cannot dictate the path of human-kind, and only people can decide not to fight at the whim of the kingpin, nor fight in any religious dispute, nor kill for the pursuit of wealth and control. Planet Earth has become a playground for all kinds of satanic leadership, with the innocence of humankind being taken for a ride towards corruption and war. People are constantly at the risk of being made pawns, with authorities abusing their powers to control freedoms, government agencies acting as the deciders of people's lives, when the majority of people have mostly lived to build their lives under incredible strain.

Judgement Day has fallen on Planet Earth- it started when time began- be it our own judgement of our governments, and government treatment of the people, our judgement of big corporations, and the way corporations judge which nations to build up or destroy, or the way that we are held hostage by a religion which wants to dominate the World. There is no time for war, conflict, killing or greed anymore, and the tower of decadence must find ways to eradicate the harm and inequality it has created and unleashed. your social media marketing partner
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