Trump Lift-off: Where’s the Rip Cord?

Written by Robert S. Becker   
Tuesday, 15 November 2016 23:08

A Satire, On the Brink

Need to find humor after Trump’s bad joke,

A folly of mirrors obscured with smoke?

Say goodbye to the “rigged” democratic state,

For Trump stalks what made America great.

Never did Donald hide his cruel pitch:

“I’m primitive, arrogant, but oh so rich.”

What heinous sin brought down this curse?

Trump's already made America worse.

The gall of Birtherism boosted his name,

Onslaughts of defamation seal his fame.

Getting away with a first nasty hustle,

Why not flex full-court media muscle?

On tap now, this national experiment:

Can any misfit Donald be president?

For neither resume, nor skill-set matter:

Next time up the grinning Mad Hatter?

Just what we needed: a faux ‘outsider,’

A buckaroo more like snarky roughrider.

PT Barnum clone and bold impresario,

In love with his own braggadocio.

What could go wrong, or the majority lose?

While fat cats feast, have-nots deflect abuse.

Another rendition of failed trickle-down,

Same old con, just new celebrity clown.

Let’s shred EPA funds for infrastructure:

That will resolve looming climate rupture!

Deregulation pollutes air and water—

‘Crybabies breathe more than they oughta.’

Can one leader the status quo maul?

Yet he alone who can ‘fix all’ shakes all.

Absent any chance for a voters’ recall,

We search for the rip cord against free-fall.

This billionaire ‘outsider’ breaks few trends

Where super-rich cronies fatten up friends;

Leftwing hopes dashed, to divide up fat cats,

Instead, a tsunami wipes out Democrats.

What’s worse than a triumphal demagogue

Is single party rule, democracy agog;

If you’re averse to the current GOP,

Cry havoc against promised Trumpery.

Batten all hatches, hunker down, post W.,

A potent Trump can Bush-Cheney outdo.

Compliant W. was willing to follow,

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