The Discrackables

Written by John Escher   
Tuesday, 11 October 2016 04:03

So many gullible people have been utterly snowed by Donald Trump, starting with Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a member of his campaign staff.

To Sarah, the insult contained in the words "deplorable" and "irrevocable" is far worse than anything Donald Trump has ever said.

To her, being tarred with those two words may be the worst thing that ever happened in her life.  "Irrevocable," she correctly points out, means you can't change.

Exactly.  You will always be a person unable to change from being deplorable and subject to every snake oil salesman starting with the pied piper and ending with Adolph Hitler and Elmer Gantry or Robert Preston in THE MUSIC MAN.

But there has to be something else to make poor Sarah feel so abused.  Is it that the words "deplorable" and "irrevocable" are Latinate and polysyllabic?  Is it that these words suggest a corruption of the favorite word of Master Trump, "disgraceful?"

To poor Sarah, not too sophisticated, a word like "discrackable" will always be far worse than the adjective "fat" or the noun "pussy." your social media marketing partner
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