OK, OK!! I'll Run.

Written by Bob Shaw   
Sunday, 20 March 2016 13:44
OK, OK!! I'll Run.

I have had it with Mr. Trump and I have never liked Mrs. Clinton, and they - apparently - are going to be the "Major Party" nominees for President of the United States this year. What kind of odds could you have gotten for that result a year ago? 20 years ago?

So, in the interest of service to the country I love, I hereby submit myself to consideration for the job. Seriously.

I am actually much more qualified for the job than Mr. Trump and much more qualified than Mrs. Clinton would be had she been married to anyone else. I am a 68-year-old native-born American citizen (Boston, MA), a veteran (four years active duty, 1967-1971 in the US Air Force), honest (totally clean record), smart (honors graduate of the University of California at Berkeley - 1980) with proven leadership capabilities (successful CEO of a telecom software company) and solid family values (faithfully married to one woman for 29 years, one 22-year-old son). I have no fear of the vetting process nor of any committee investigations.

I have a most unusual approach to running for POTUS in that I propose to do it almost exclusively through the Internet. I intend to spend zero time between now and the election raising money. Should I be elected, i intend to serve only one term and to raise zero money during that term for myself, any political party, any individual or group. I plan to be as Independent as is possible. I intend to see how possible that is. Right now, anyone in this country in an elected position (especially POTUS) spends the vast majority of his or her time raising money and running for re-election, or raising money for his or her Party. This is not doing the job for which they were elected. I intend to spend all of my time doing my job. This country has broken systems everywhere, including - but not restricted to - the political/electoral system, judicial/penal system, education, taxation, foreign affairs, defense, infrastructure and race relations. Just to mention a few of the most important. These breakages need to be addressed seriously by all members of our government from City Councils to POTUS. At the moment, exactly NONE of them are even being discussed. Our current Congress is much too busy convincing their constituency that they refuse to even acknowledge the President or do anything that would smack of cooperation or bi-partisan action. Broken.

As President, I would propose the following:
1) A complete review of Defense with an aim to serious downsizing and the removal of all US combat troops from the Middle East.
2) A complete review of State with an aim to major reductions in arms provision and direct monetary support.
3) A complete review of TSA/Department of Homeland Security with an aim to totally phase both out as soon as possible and have what few functions are deemed constructive folded into existing assets that treat most levels of terrorism as a police function. The existing TSA is a bad joke.
4) Nationwide legalization of marijuana and reviews of existing incarcerations based upon its use.
5) Shift of voting procedures to on-line.
6) A comprehensive analysis of the state of our infrastructure headed by the Army Corps of Engineers and reviewed by locally contracted assets.
7) Restoration of the Civilian Conservation Corps whose first task will be a thorough cleaning and repair program throughout our National Parks System. Young people volunteering for the Corps will receive extensive training aimed at the ability to apply for jobs in a large number of construction and restoration disciplines.
8) Doctors, nurses, police, firefighters, teachers and some other positions working directly for the Federal Government will have their compensation raised considerably, with all possible pressure brought to bear for the private sector to follow suit.

These are just a few of the early tasks I will take on as President. More will occur to me, especially when I have gathered my Cabinet and a number of other advisors that will cover the entire spectrum of political thought in this country. I intend to listen seriously to all sides. I also intend to maintain an active web site network that will allow anyone to voice their opinion. I also intend to hold frequent press conferences that will consist mostly of questions and answers. I will also bring pressure to bear on other elected officials to be as open as possible with the public.

That is the first step. The only other thing is that, being an honest bill-paying American, I am essentially broke. I will need an interested party to help me with filing fees and such, some of which have become substantial. Please let me now if you have comments or suggestions. I am absolutely serious and resolved in this endeavor. I think a lot of Americans have felt like me for some time when I say I am tired of having to vote for the somewhat lesser of two horrible evils, and wondering "Is this the best we can come up with?" Now you have an alternative.

Bob Shaw
18 March 2016
Eugene, Oregon
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