Good afternoon, Mr, President

Written by Patriot   
Friday, 15 May 2015 12:33
Well, Mr, President, you've had a cracker-jack week, haven't you?

You attacked one of the few respected Democratic senators, Sen. Warren, for challenging your insistence that TPP will benefit anyone but the huge multi-national corporations, and for opposing your insistence that TPP be rubber-stamped by the Congress, without revealing its wording to the public. Democracy in action? Hardly.

Then you agreed to let Shell Oil drill in the most fragile environment on the planet, the Arctic, even though no one disputes that a spill from such operations is probable and would have a catastrophic effect on inhabitants and the wildlife of the polar region, and even upon some of the rest of the planet. Have you taken leave of your senses, or do you just not care about anything but the vast petroleum interests, no matter the cost?

You missed an opportunity to single-handedly halt the offensive and unconstitutional spying on Americans by NSA by promptly acknowledging a judicial ruling that such spying is utterly illegal--so I guess you really DO support that disgusting practice, don't you?

Your actions have practically guaranteed that Democratic contenders vying for the party's nomination as the Democratic candidate for President will be reviled everywhere they go. If you were an openly avowed Republican, I'd say you have had a great week. Tragically, you're supposedly a Democrat, and you've managed to fail the people who voted for you TWICE just about as much as the Republicans they rejected would have done.

Nice going.

So much for your promises of transparency, environmental stewardship, and economic improvement. So much for your supposed background as a Constitutional lawyer.
Whatever YOU think you're doing, Mr. President, from where I sit you look like the worst president of my life--and that goes all the way back to Truman.

Shame on you. your social media marketing partner
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