Reducing the Fear of Death and Embracing Forgiveness Education to Save the Human Race

Written by Patrick Wells   
Monday, 30 January 2012 23:38
(1.) The Problem
(2.) The Solution
(3.) A Movie for Children About the Art and Power of Forgiveness
(4.) The Meaning of Life and a New Version of Christianity
(5.) From The Experts in the field of death, dying and Consciousness
(6.) My Published Works

(1.) The Problem

Take into consideration the following facts: (a.) Human beings and apes are the only two species that sometimes enjoy killing (and even eating) their own species. (b.) Most people continue to exist within a tribe, sect, gang, race or mentality, unable to overcome hatred or prejudice against other groups. This frequently manifests itself as violence. (c.) Human beings killed over 100 million of their fellow beings in the 20th Century. (d) And for decades, the US Nuclear Policy had an acronym of M.A.D., Mutual Assured Destruction.

What generates this aberrant, self-destructive and insane behavior? Some philosophers, like George Gurdjieff the famous Russian, believe that the evolution of human beings may have gone off course. He believed that our mammalian brains had not properly married with our reptilian brains before we evolved such a large frontal cortex.

So man’s confusion, his lack of mental unity, his unnecessary suffering, his immorality, in fact everything that characterizes the sorrow of the human condition, come about because the centers of man’s perception are wrongly related, wrongly functioning, and because man does not see or care to know this about himself.

Plainly stated, the imminence of death has also poisoned the psyche of man since the dark ages. Christianity has also identified these flaws in our evolution with the concept of “Original Sin”.

Extensive empirical studies have been carried out in numerous cultures to establish an academic framework surrounding man’s reaction to his innate fear of death. For example, Terror Management Theory (TMT) studies how human beings react to the concept of death. TMT suggests that particular aspects of our outlook are poisoned by our need to deal with our fear of death. Social psychologists have since tested this hypothesis in more than 400 experiments that aim to explore different aspects of our worldview, from patriotism to religion.

This study revealed that people who are threatened with death and the fear that relates to it are more ready to embrace cultural values and belief systems. They are more likely to cling on to that which affirms and provides meaning to their existence. This is known as the mortality salience hypothesis. On the other hand, studies have also found that people tend to build self esteem and positive self image in order to assuage the fear of their own immortality. The latter is known as the anxiety-buffer hypothesis.

Terror Management Theory (TMT)

(2.) The Solution

What can be done to help ameliorate this kind of behavior? We can reduce the Human Race’s paralyzing fear of death, which generates and facilitates the “Seven Deadly Sins” by promoting the newest scientific research about life after death. We can teach the art and power of forgiveness to children, which may be both the best and the fastest way to learn how to forgive those that we are in direct conflict with (revenge/ego). Learning how to forgive may also be the best and fastest way to end systemic negativity against "other peoples."

Following in the path set forth by Jesus Christ, my twin goals are to help save humanity from itself by reducing the fear of death and by "Embracing Forgiveness Education to Reshape our World".* We already have the ideas, tools, approaches and technologies we need to save ourselves. My goal is to help raise awareness of these approaches, and to help draw the connections between them that we need to see the whole picture.

Lowering the fear of death can be accomplished in the world by promoting the newest scientific research about life after death. There is significant scientific and anecdotal proof that the NDE is the Spirit leaving the body and not just effects of the dying brain. Thousands of documented cases prove that NDErs can see and report accurately on what happened to their bodies, in or out of the hospital, when they were clinically dead, with no brain waves and in cardiac arrest. This proof is from all the top experts in the field of death, dying and consciousness.

"New Evidence Suggests that the Near-Death-Experience is the Spirit Leaving the Body and Not Just a Dying Brain",

I will encourage more worldwide forgiveness behavior by promoting a major breakthrough in psychology coming from the work of Dr Fred Luskin and Dr. Robert Enright. For eight years, Enright has led an initiative in Belfast, Northern Ireland to teach forgiveness to first graders as part of their elementary curriculum. Enright’s theories are based on the conviction that forgiveness can reduce anger, which reduces depression and anxiety and leads to stronger academic achievement and more peaceful social behavior, which are compounded by externalities such as poverty, prejudice and violence.

Teaching the art and power of forgiveness to children may be both the best and the fastest way to positively change our world. I believe the Belfast experiment should be expanded to first grade classes in every elementary school in the world. The results speak for themselves, as violent crime in Belfast has fallen dramatically in the past ten years in areas where forgiveness education was taught.

"Embracing Forgiveness Education to Reshape our World"*

I will continue to support the work of my friend, Dr. Allan Botkin, who has created an extraordinary new therapy for Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder and grief. The attached video (below) reveals the extraordinary efficacy of a variation of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) that he calls IADC (Induced After Death Communication). In these experiences, which can be induced in 76% of his cases, patients report receiving a clear communication from the person they are grieving. Their healing is consistently remarkable. He believes that Spirits are actually returning from the Quantum Field (Heaven) to assist survivors in their grief. His work suggests that the Mind is much more than just the brain.

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and IADC (Induced After Death Communication).
Here is our UTube link:
Our Web site is at:

(3.) A Movie for Children About the Art and Power of Forgiveness

Based on my goals, I also produced a film about Jesus for families and children that is all about the art and power of forgiveness. I will continue to promote this film with its message is “forgive thy enemies”. The Dove Foundation gave it 4 out of 5 Stars writing “Its terrific”.


(4.) The Meaning of Life and A New Version of Christianity

And finally, I have incorporated the work of physicist, Dr. David Bohm, a protege of Einstein, who died in 1992, for the article below. I am also proposing a new version of Christianity. The Christ itself or the Holy Being of Light is the portal that all human souls must pass through at death not just Christians. In John 3:16 Jesus said that “the only way to the father is through me”. He means this literally, as all souls must go through the Holy Being of Light or what I call the "Christ Portal" after death.

Today there is a major schism in the Christian faith (also in Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc.). This schism is between using mysticism to become enlightened, or all human beings have the potential to reach the internal state of being that Jesus was born with and Buddha and Moses attained and literalism where the Bible is the word of God plus historical fact and that making the historical Jesus and Son of God our Savior is the only path to God.

The mystic belief, like mine, is that all religions have originated from a universal spirituality referred to as Unitary Consciousness, or the Ancient Wisdom. The mystical beliefs of these secret societies were based on the Hermetic maxim ‘as above-so below’ which teaches that the natural world is a material reflection of the spiritual.

"Consciousness (The Implicate Order) Precedes, Is More Primary Than and Animates Matter, Space and Time (the explicate order).

(5.) From The Experts in the field of death, dying and Consciousness:

"Patrick Wells, author and filmmaker, is an authority on near-death experiences as well as a wide variety of other unusual states of consciousness. In addition, he is a dynamic speaker and a deeply compassionate man. He is someone for whom I have the highest regard."
Kenneth Ring, Ph.D. Professor Emeritus of Psychology, University of Connecticut, Dean of NDE Research

"There are very few people on the planet, who equal Patrick Wells' unique constellation of positive attributes: intellectual passion, interpersonal compassion, and a very extensive knowledge base in the various fields of afterlife research. Patrick is truly a modern day
pioneer when it comes to questions that have intrigued humankind ever since our brains evolved to the point that we were able to contemplate our ultimate fate."
Dr. Al Botkin, Induced After Death Communication: A Therapy for Healing Grief and Trauma, Director of The Center for Grief and Traumatic Loss, LLC, Al Botkin Institut, Deutschland"

"Patrick Wells is passionate, provocative and oh so true. His heart and voice are connected directly to each other, as if every word were a message from his higher self.”
Douglas Rushkoff, winner of the first Neil Postman award for Career Achievement in Public Intellectual Activity. Douglas Rushkoff is an author, teacher, and documentarian.

“Forgiveness is the only skill that will enable us to survive our times and the extreme polarities that exist. Not only the Bible teaches this, but it is also a central theme of near-death and
spiritually transforming experiences. Patrick Wells’ idea of taking it to schools and have children learn to practice it there is truly inspired."
P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., author of “Near-Death Experiences: The Rest Of The Story.” and a NDE Researcher and Experiencer

"I appreciate your work, and admire the patience and persistence it requires to persevere for decades in what sometimes seems an uphill battle. As an inveterate, incurable optimist, I sometimes think I see the top of that hill, and work by other optimistic and progressive thinkers increases the illumination that attracts us to proceed. Thank you for following your very conscious and compassionate path and offering such prolific encouragement to others."
Roger Nelson, Princeton, Head of the Global Consciousness Project

(6.) My Published Works

Here is a list of all my published works. They contain detailed accounts about life after death, forgiveness, the meaning of life and the Near-Death-Experience

"New Evidence Suggests that the Near-Death-Experience is the Spirit Leaving the Body and Not Just a Dying Brain",

"Embracing Forgiveness Education to Reshape our World"

The attached video (below) reveals the extraordinary efficacy of EMDR (Eye Movement, Desensitization, Reprocessing)/IADC (Induced After Death Communication) Therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, deep sadness and forgiveness.
Our Web site is at:

"Consciousness (the Implicate Order) precedes, is more primary than and animates matter, space and time (the explicate order).

The Religion of the Resuscitated

“Free Rides: How to Get High Without Drugs”, Co-written by Patrick Wells and Douglas Rushkoff, Copyright 1991, a Delta book published by Dell Publishers, a division of Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group. Reprinted in Japan and Poland. Re-published as “Stoned Free: How To Get High Without Drugs” in 1995 by Loompanics Unlimited. These healthy, natural and productive highs include consciousness raising, exercise, meditation, saunas, sleep and dream manipulations, breath work, massage and bodywork, body rushes, immersion in nature, quality music and dance regimens. your social media marketing partner
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