Change Is at Your Fingertips

Written by pete valentine   
Saturday, 24 September 2011 07:04
The people of this country formed a government and assigned to it the task of looking after its constitution by taking care of all the housekeeping tasks necessary to ensure that we the people can live and work in the freedom and security spelled out by that constitution.

The authors of the constitution were rightly very concerned about the size and power of a government extending itself to the point where it just may become too self serving and possibly no longer represent the will of the people, so those authors scribbled in a few lines to act as a safeguard for the people to use as an intervention to prevent, or put an end to just such a scenario. It says, in so many words, that the people may terminate and replace any government that gets out of hand. We are, after all a democratic nation, having a government created by the people, of the people and for the people, not for its own interests, or for the interests of big business.

The solution to the nightmare that has become the US government is sitting her right in front of all of us but first let me mention that this huge, self interested monster that calls itself our government has developed laws and procedures over the years protecting itself from nearly every conceivable action that could be taken against it by rag-tag groups of unhappy people spotted around the country,, except for one: An organized, national petition and majority vote, a legal intervention of the will of the people. That's right people, all the laws a renegade government writes protecting itself from the people it governs in a democracy mean nothing when the people speak as a majority...and thus begins a new era.

Generations of government bolstering itself and chipping away at democracy always counted on the fact (then) that no large enough groups of people could organize, form, or be heard because the government controlled all the means by which such organization could come about, ICC, FCC etc.

Would you believe me if I told you that we the people now hold all the cards and can easily make any changes to the government that we desire within the confines of the constitution? I think you'd be skeptical, but its absolutely true! Remember, this is a democratic nation, it is bound by constitutional law to function as the will of the people. The 99% can now take power out of the hands of the 1%. It is here and now and can be accomplished by simple E-VOTE through the organization skills and cooperation of a handful of websters and 99%ers. Its all about instant, across the board communication. Now lets get with it and clean up this place! your social media marketing partner
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