The End of Speech

Written by John Glassco   
Saturday, 17 May 2014 17:08
We might as well expect that our desperate quest to extract, transport, and consume energy will result in many more stories of environmental degradation similar to any of the ones in the news today. From Tennessee to Fukushima, we are an exceptional culture treading the well-worn path between our unconquerable ambition to achieve, and the roots of our self-destruction.

I do not expect that the mainstream media will ever admit that their role was to "connect the dots" for us on this issue. Perhaps they will argue that the dots are everyone’s to discover and connect for themselves as if science is just the newest religion. They are perpetually reluctant to speak the obvious truth to this issue, or to indicate that they even understand the breadth and depth of the fix we have forged for ourselves. I wonder what they are waiting for. I have no respect and little hope left for the so-called free-press.

My friends, I think the evidence of global warming is in. The time we should have needed to draw the obvious conclusions is spent. Speaking out on the issue is beginning to sound like a waste of breath. Do what you can, but do it. your social media marketing partner
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