New False Flags to Justify More National Security Measures and, Perhaps, War With Russia?

Written by REDPILLED   
Tuesday, 20 March 2018 04:02

New False Flags to Justify More National Security Measures

and, Perhaps, War With Russia?

by Ed Ciaccio, March 19, 2018

The assertion, without evidence, that Russian meddling in the 2016 election helped the despicable Trump win, and the poisoning of Mr. Skripal and his daughter, allegedly by Russia, again without evidence, in Salisbury, U.K. (suspiciously 8 miles from the British chemical/biological warfare base Porton Down), may be the false flags already created to foster acceptance of more strict "national security" measures here and in the U.K., as both the Trump and Theresa May governments falter. These measures may even be used by the neocons, who actually run both U.S. and British foreign policy, to increase acceptance of military action against nuclear superpower Russia.

Allegedly "liberal" media, such as the N.Y. Times, Washington Post, and MSNBC, have been pushing the Russiagate narrative for more than a year, and have recently also jumped on the "Russia poisoned the Skripals" bandwagon. They have also fanned the flames for war between the U.S. and Syria (and, by extension, Russia), by their incomplete and misinforming reporting about alleged Syrian government chemical weapons attacks as well as Syrian government killings of civilians, while ignoring the illegal U.S. role in Syria and the civilian casualties from U.S.-coalition bombings, as well as U.S. support for violent jihadists in Syria.

Thus, these corporate media have furthered the preferred narratives of the neocons who have fervently wished to overthrow the governments of Syria and Iran, and, both delusionally and suicidally, that of Russia, as they successfully and violently did in Ukraine in February, 2014 with the complicity of President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Barack Obama as well as Hillary Clinton's Assistant Secretary of State (and neocon wife of prominent neocon Robert Kagan) Victoria Nuland.

We must never forget how these same corporate media shamelessly acted as the main propagandists for the Bush-Cheney illegal war of aggression on Iraq 15 years ago, based on lies, murdering more than one million Iraqis, mostly civilians, and thousands of U.S. soldiers, so far. The corporate media always have nothing to lose, but mega-profits due to high ratings to gain, by continuing in their role as chief propagandists for the U.S. Global Empire, which both corporate political parties willingly, enthusiastically, and greedily support (thanks to the war-profiteering corporations allowed to legally bribe politicians), with very few individual exceptions.

In his important book, They Thought They Were Free: The Germans 1933-1945, Milton Mayer showed how slow, incremental changes to Germany's laws and society enabled the genocidal Nazis to comfortably persuade most Germans to go along with their mass-murderous, war-loving policies. Though I am not asserting that the U.S. government and its propagandizing media are like those Nazis, they have, since at least 1945, worked together to increase acceptance of the growing, murderous U.S. Empire to its current very dangerous point.

Will we complacently allow these imperialists and war lovers to con us again into accepting more National Security State restrictions on our rights and even, to supporting avoidable, illegal wars against Syria and/or Iran, and insane military action against Russia?

Or will we wake up this time and remember the lies of Tonkin Gulf (1964) and Iraqi WMD's and uranium yellowcake (2003) which led most of the gullible U.S. population into supporting two disastrous, long-term wars of aggression which murdered millions of people?

If you claim to be one of those who is awake and remembers those blood-soaked lies, what will you do to help prevent more losses of our rights and losses of lives? your social media marketing partner
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