People are scared of Trump and of Clinton

Written by Totusek   
Monday, 15 August 2016 08:33

People are scared of Trump and of Clinton - by Martin Totusek - revised on August 3, 2016 8:00:26 PM PDT - with 2 footnotes being added [Article originally distributed via Email on August 1, 2016 3:13:04 PM PDT]

U.S. citizens are scared of Hillary Clinton because of what she has actually done and been directly party to abroad and at home, as U.S. Senator and as U.S. Secretary Of State, and of the continuance and expansion of all of that as President. Citizens are scared of what her previous appointees in the government have done and are currently doing and what they are stating, what her neo-conservative allies (many who are from the George W. Bush/Dick Cheney administration and/or were also from the Project For A New American Century) are stating, and what the people Hillary Clinton has indicated she intends to appoint are also currently stating.

Citizens are scared of Trump - including because of some of the things he says he might do and/or that he plans to, because of types of associations with certain ultra right-wing groups and individuals that he has appears to have made during his campaign (that some citizens are understandably worried might then be part of a Trump administration), and some of the types of statements (even if they are intended as really "bad" or "sick" jokes - that is not how they are being viewed by many…), that Trump has made.

Some citizens also point to Hillary Clinton as Donald Trump's front row number one guest of honor at his most recent and very public wedding a decade ago, the Trump statement to the media at that time that he had just donated 100 thousand dollars to the Clinton Foundation, with Bill Clinton then showing up at the beginning of the wedding reception (at the Donald J. Trump grand ballroom at Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida), that Hillary and Bill Clinton then publicly partied (IMAGE [ ]) all night long with Donald Trump and his new wife Melania Trump, as showing that those in the "One Percent" - such as Hillary Clinton and  Donald Trump, have been that close in the past, and some citizens also fear that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump together dreamed up what is going on now, and that Sanders' run for President almost threw a money wrench into what they planned.

Other citizens think that Hillary Clinton was at Trumps wedding as the guest of honor, simply because she was and is mesmerized by and worships extreme wealth.

Other citizens state that they think Donald Trump originally ran as a lark - just for publicity and for making profits long-term on said publicity, and then Trump realized that the levels of rage at both the "Democratic" party and the "Republican" party "establishment" politicians from U.S. citizens from all walks of Life, is now so great, that he could possibly use that, to become U.S. President.

A majority of U.S. citizens don't trust or like either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump (both now have an over 60 percent negative rating as being dishonest and untrustworthy).

Add to this all the crap that the DNC and company has pulled - including, but not limited to towards Bernie Sanders and his campaign, plus all the collective actions, policies and behaviors of the "establishment" politicians and policy makers of both major "parties" - especially over the past 20 years.

The consequences?

This has collectively resulted in such profound disgust, rage, and alienation in the general public, that the U.S. now has the lowest registered voter participation in 70 years, and that tends to favor the most right-wing conservative and/or the right-wing leaning "neo-liberal" politicians and policy makers [1] of both major "parties" either staying in office or getting in office.

I believe that (except in the case of U.S. Presidential "races" - since the U.S. Electoral College still elects U.S. Presidents - not the popular vote, so that has to change first…), while it will be very hard to achieve, that real changes can still be forced though the non-violent mechanism of voting [2] , PROVIDED that the majority of the general public actually wakes up and registers to vote, that the general public actually collectively educates itself (that's considered the really "tall" order - but it is so essential to creating the environment for real changes being even possible…), that the general public voters break the "chains" inside of their minds of the mantra of: "We can only vote for 'Republicans' and 'Democrats' " and that they actually start judging each and every politician in office based on what they have done in office and then vote on that basis to keep or "fire" politicians (including voting in both third party and independents in their place wherever needed), every single election every two years, for all time.


[1] the majority of whom are pro-war/invasion/occupation, pro-kidnapping, pro extra-judicial killings (often based on gossip and rumors - with a large number of men, women and children who are simply "in the vicinity" also being maimed or killed - as Jeremy Scahill and other investigative journalists have documented) pro spying on everyone and anything without just cause, pro doing the bidding of those running Wall Street, pro doing the bidding of those running the big banks, pro doing the bidding of those running the oil and gas companies, pro doing the bidding of those running the corporations that are part of the "military-industrial complex", etc.

[2] meaning, of course, with no things like large numbers voters being falsely "purged" from the voting rolls happening again (as we saw happen most recently this year in Brooklyn, New York, New York - before the primary), and with no electronic or physical tampering with the vote counts happening.

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