A Better Quality of Laughter

Written by John Escher   
Thursday, 15 January 2015 03:00
I was at a dinner where the lady next to me became incensed when I said that the answer to horrible Muslims was to make distinctions. She wanted more powerful action taken than that and did not care how many Muslims there are in the world (1.6 billion, the largest religious denomination after Christianity). Did she like World Wars I and II so much that she craved III? Possibly.

Well here is the more powerful action she wanted, in the form of a link to “Je Suis Charlie,” the great cartoon video by Mark Fiore:


In the case that this forum doesn’t permit links or my link doesn’t work, I’ll describe the video.

Three gunmen enter a circle of cartoonists and writers and start shooting. But the cartoonists and writers are unaffected. In fact, their number grows, and the circle tightens around the gunmen, who grow smaller and disappear.

People like that woman next to me must learn to understand the message in this, which is not about tired journalism with its affectation of presenting both sides. The power of intelligent derision cannot be overvalued.

No one, as Mark Twain pointed out, can stand up to laughter.

I feel that this video not only applies to a small cell of deranged Muslims, but to Republicans and many Democrats and other humorless dopes in the United States.

Laugh the silly fools into non-existence.
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