Hacking Wars- Are Our Computers Unwitting Guinea Pigs?

Sunday, 19 January 2014 08:54

Each time you use a computer, tablet PC or a mobile phone- are you really the only one using those devices for your own entertainment, leisure or needs?

The way that the internet is setup is intricate. Satellites, base-stations, servers and routers communicate with your electronic computer device- whichever one you use. Some people utilize a network of computer devices linked through a server, and access information at great speed, or download multiple data files at great speed. Have you ever thought that when you open an app on a tablet or phone, or start a web browser that you are not alone? Of course you have. We are aware that spying is a key feature of the internet- and spies are spied upon themselves. Security agencies feel isolated from spies, when if fact insiders are working to extract the information required by another agency or a group of people.

Do you feel that your bandwidth is being stolen at times? Is your internet connection being switched on and off on suddenly on a specific day, or do you lose connection or surfing speed at random. Multiple people, agencies or groups of hackers can access multiple connections simultaneously to suck up bandwidth for their own needs, be it entertainment or for more professional or sinister requirements.
Perhaps you might be surfing for a popular download or a torrent link, and unwittingly be connected to a third party, who then get you to access other servers on their behalf without them being detected. Each and every program has a 'backdoor'- a chink in the armour -or put simply, programs are not ever secure because each program has to communicate with your central operating system to function- and so that communication route can be exploited. It is old news. But more sinister is the fact that when you use your apps or programs such as a web browser, online radio or online television player, you open a door for hackers to attach their own programs to your operating system or the program itself, and suck up your bandwidth and your CPU power for their own needs.

Many people say ' I don't care- I'm not doing anything wrong' - or they say something like 'I don't do any banking online, so what have I got to lose but the occasional bit of internet speed or occasional bit of CPU power. Millions of computers linked through netwrok provider servers can collectively be used to function for the purposes of the third party. Do you consider that if you are constantly online, then multiple times you have been hacked by a third party? The way the 'backdoor hack' operates is relatively simple- find an open port on a computer (the backdoor in an operating system, app or program), install a small bit of surveillance or data mining software which bypasses all current known security software, and then allow that hacking software or spying software to slowly access an entire server or just a network or single computer, and wait for the users to press buttons- which opens other backdoors. Over a period of a few seconds, minutes, hours, or days, the hacking software will sit undetected by any security software and gather information that the hacker or third party wants.
The hacking software is extracted at a later date by the hacker by accessing an exploited backdoor, and traces of any data ming or information gathering is removed by the hacking software itself, or the hacker- whichever is easiest to execute.

Worryingly is the possibility that, by pressing buttons on your computer, you unwittingly become a guinea pig for a hacker or third party, and cause great damage across an entire network- that's the way a virus spreads- first the hacking software finds you- then you pass it on to other users on the network. Perhaps you have pressed buttons, and unwittingly you have activated a piece of hacking software which ends up finding its way to sensitive websites, and landed you in the eye of the surveillance grids which are set up by Government agencies across the World. Perhaps your bandwidth has been used to obtain secrets from Government agencies by other agencies? Perhaps you unwittingly searched for a torrent site or a file, and by grabbing the information you have sent a piece of code, such as a decrytion code or even an order from a Government agency or terrorist cell to another agency or terrorist cell? Who knows- perhaps you have innocently used your computer devices and assisted in sending orders to a data specialist who then passes that order onto their agency or faction which has led to people being spied on, detained or killed.

Did you really think that merely being a casual user of the internet that you were not doing anything wrong? Do you believe that you terminal, computer or server is secure? New viruses- or programs designed to collect or send data are being written constantly, and only until the authorities or internet anti-virus agencies realize that things are not going according to plan will an anti-virus be written- a patch for the backdoor...It is feasible that by using your computer constantly, that you are constantly being hacked, your keystrokes might have been reverse-engineered to do things that we dread the most. Is it safe for so many users to be accessing the internet through one specific internet provider now that we can be unwittingly be controlled to make a rogue program function in a way to committ acts of pure evil- such as stealing people's bank account details, syphoning a few cents from ten million customers at a bank for example? All of our identities and financial details are in cyber-space, ready to be accessed by anyone clever enough to hack invisibly- and the final frontier of human existance is to limit the evil and shenanigans that can be played on people by the hacking skills of the worst kind of people- the true black hats, because only the worst kind of people work as a unit to control and hurt good people for their own financial or political gain.

Generations of people in the future will become the new students of this technology, and they will have a more firm grasp of hacking and control than those who simply use their computers for entertainment or valid and peaceful means- and stopping the future generations of people from becoming unwitting guinea pigs will be a far greater challenge than what programmers and authorities can currently perceive. With the increased bandwidth speeds comes a route- a super highway for super-computers to gather or send large or small amounts of data instantly. Satellites can send huge amounts of data instantly to people on specific networks such as military, Government communication and the end user who signs up to a satellite internet provider. Computer hacking and data mining has become instantaneous. War is not limited to guns and ammunition. Hacking is a war in itself. It is virtually impossible to say that your morals are one hundred percent correct and peaceful:- you might think that you are in control of your computer, but you never know who- or what has latched onto your programs, your operating system and what you have been controlling with your keystrokes. Did your keystrokes assist in sending a message to a third party to secure an arms deal, a drug deal, a human trafficking deal, a financial deal such as money laundering or other criminal acts? You will never know just what your computer has done on behalf of somebody else...

Government web-based surveillance agencies cannot be expected to prevent every act of evil, nor can they stop our computers being used against us or against a whole country for that matter. We do have to expect internet systems to be shut down, be it partially or fully, in any or all countries who realize that hacking exploits could make a casual computer user assist in incredible acts of evil. Computers offline- that's another story. It is the existing online systems which we all link into which are vulnerable to hacking attacks. It is a sobering thought to consider that the majority of people can be used by rogue parties to spread the worst kinds of propaganda, or spread viruses, code, or assist in acts of evil- and the majority of the time the casual computer and internet user has been unaware of the strength that they have given to others who just didn't deserve that strength- be it financial wealth, control or the strength and ease to commit evil via the collective online community.

We are, after all, only human, and our weaknesses are often exploited by people wanting to make themselves rich or famous- or both. With fame and fortune comes responsibility- and some people really don't want either, but often get it, which leads them to want more control over the World.
Governments compete for control. Big business compete for control. Shenanigans are dished out across the internet by some of the most up-to-date programmers who have abilities to control so many different aspects of the World. If you do hack computers- then ask yourslef just why are you doing the hacking. Ask why you have to collect so much data of planet Earth's human occupants- is it to help create a World that is closer to unity and fairness or is it to merely to destroy what you disagree with? An ideology can be used to destroy other people's lives if those promoting the ideology only see the World in one perspective. Perhaps it is only in God that you trust, and all others you track, hack or attack? Perhaps you love money more than life?

Computer hacking, data mining/hijacking is a dangerous game- a war game in itself, and you might not be aware of the true outcome of your online actions while you are surfing, downloading or uploading. You can only hope that you haven't been preyed upon or controlled by the rogue online community- but chances are you already have been , and future generations will have to decide whether to be a genuine white hat or a black hat- a goody or a baddy, and keep in mind the possibility that a horror might be around the corner, waiting to latch onto you and your computer devices...
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