The Religion Of The Resuscitated: The Near Death Experience

Written by Patrick Wells   
Thursday, 14 April 2011 02:13
Light Up Your Life--One Mind, Too Much Ego Thinking--We are not human beings that may be spiritual; rather we are spiritual beings evolving through our humanity.

The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are only those of the author based entirely on his study of the Near-Death-Experience, After-Death-Communications, Induced-After-Death-Communications, Nearing-Death-Awareness, dreaming of death, mysticism, spirituality, religion and quantum physics. They in no way represent the opinions of I.A.N.D.S. (go to or are they necessarily proven by scientific research.

1. The Four Miracles Of The Near Death Experience. Rather than describing all the aspects of a Near Death Experience in this article, which would mean writing a book, I will focus on the most important issues that are raised by this experience. The NDE and the directions it points in motivates me to spend my time educating people about the near death experience. This information, like religion, can motivate people to change their behavior while making the world a safer, happier and better place to live. For some people like me, faith can be difficult to find. This is especially true with so many religions claiming to have the only real truth and to be the only pathway to God. In addition, the physical world is seemingly so unfair, as well as full of pain and suffering, that one might easily doubt the existence of a higher power.

Therefore, I needed to find my faith in science first (before religion) through the NDE. There are four miracles associated with the NDE that the Absolute or the Not-Measurable (God) has provided as grace for all human beings.

According to this Holy Being of Light that NDErs see, the first miracle is that a human incarnation is unique, as we are one of a very a few species among the billions and billions of self conscious life forms in this Universe that can merge with God before death. This internal state is called enlightenment or liberation or at-one-ment. That internal state was achieved by certain beings like Buddha, Moses and others during their lifetimes. Jesus Christ was unique, as he was born enlightened.

The second miracle of the NDE is that it provides faith for those who can’t find it in religion, while at the same time the NDE confirms the faith of those who have already found faith in religion.

The third miracle of the NDE is that those that have an NDE find that their brain, behavior, personality and belief system are dramatically changed for the better, overnight. These NDE changes include: a total loss of the fear of death; interest in spirituality over religion; loosing all interest in material things; finding great interest in loving and serving others; changing careers; finding a great reverence for all living things. Once we have a direct experience of the Oneness of Life, there is no longer any fear of being alone or separate or dying.

The fourth miracle of the NDE is that just by studying about the NDE creates the same type of changes that the actual NDE experience itself generates. I believe the NDE is one of God’s gifts to Humanity itself.

2. What Happens When We Die Based On The NDE? We will find our spirit expelled out of our physical body with a temporary continuity of awareness and a feeling of detached bliss. We still have all our senses, which are now panoramic not directional, as we can see in all directions at once. We can move through solid objects. We are telepathic and clairvoyant. Just by thinking of a distant location, we are instantly transported there. Our spirits are invisible to most people, but have been seen by real psychics, other dying people and some non-verbal children. Confirming that all matter is a manifestation of Consciousness, a few near-death experiencers have reported that they have consciously moved their spirits inside trees and boulders. They report resonating with a type of consciousness similar to ours but much slower and with much less depth.

After some indeterminate period of time remaining in the space-time continuum, we are drawn into and through a vortex or tunnel-like object. Some experiencers describe traveling though this black “satin tunnel” at the speed of light as if through space. Finally, we reach a Holy Being made of light now well known in the pop culture, which has been variously described as God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohamed, Krishna, God's Emissary, a Guardian Angel, the Great Father, a Mandala, or our Higher Self.

As a part of God's plan to comfort us at death, we will meet and eventually pass through the Holy Image we expect to see. Even many years after their NDEs, people often begin to sob just describing meeting this Holy Being of White Light because of the intensity of the unconditional love they felt. The experience is described as being more real than what we experience as waking life. This Holy Being of Light communicates telepathically to each person and the first portion of the communication usually begins with I love you.

Many who have returned from the brink of death describe these communications as if two minds became one, and then the thoughts occurred in alternating order, just as if they had become One Mind. This is consistent with my NDE hypothesis that at a higher level, despite the appearance of diversity, we are all ONE Process. All of the near death experiencers who meet this Holy Being of Light feel words alone are not adequate to truly describe this amazing meeting.

3. NDE Research Is The Most Important Scientific Research Now Being Undertaken. Many mainstream reductionist scientists believe that the most important long-term scientific research now being done is either about the origins of the physical Universe or similar research about discovering a unified field theory that describes the physical Universe. I will attempt to convince you that the most important research on the planet today is Near Death Experience Research. All legitimate science, including NDE research, relies on the scientific method. Since NDE research relies heavily on subjective descriptions of an individual's own consciousness as it approaches death, these same materialistic scientists do not consider this work real science

However, most of the great physicists, including Stephen Hawking, believe there are more than 3 dimensions (excluding time). They theorize that there are up to four and possibly as many ten dimensions or more. These extra dimensions are unseen and not measurable dimensions. Since mainstream science is only looking at the seen Universe, I believe that their work is not only very expensive, but it is not as important as NDE science about the future of the human race.

So why is NDE research so vital to the future of the human race? First because it is research into death itself, the most feared and little known aspect of the human condition. Many philosophers believe that the fear of death is one of the primary reasons that human beings gravitate toward certain types of destructive behavior. Behavior that seems to lead us toward the seven deadly sins and much of man's inhumanity to man. In last Century alone, we have seen horrors that are beyond the unimaginable.

Second, these unseen dimensions are potentially more real than what we experience as waking reality and actually may manifest our Universe. Einstein protégé and physicist David Bohm has proposed that Steven Hawking’s theory of Hyper-dimensionality allows for the possibility of a Higher Power, of the paranormal and even life after death.

In closing, a careful look a human history and the world today would suggest that we live on a planet that is about as far from perfect as one could imagine with much evil and suffering. However at the level of ONENESS in a higher dimension, everything is absolutely perfect and is only Consciousness (God) and unconditional love. I repeat Churchill’s mantra, in the seen and unseen Universe that we exist in, “there is nothing to fear but fear itself.”

4. The Panoramic Life Review At Death This aspect of the near death experience is less well known, but may be one of the most important aspects of the NDE phenomena. From my research, I believe that when we die, we will all experience a complete review of every single moment of our life. Not only will we review every moment of our life, but also we actually re-experience every moment physically, emotionally and intellectually from five different perspectives at once.

Perspective One: We are a point of view camera in the sky or ceiling seeing everything from an overhead view.

Perspective Two: We see things from the perspective of the personality we were at the age we were in the event we are re-experiencing at that moment.

Perspective Three: The same re-experiencing of the event as in two, but now from the perspective of the personality we were at the age we were at the time of our death.

Perspective Four: This perspective and the fifth perspective are not only extraordinary, but force us to examine the issue of the existence of a higher power and being held accountable for not only our actions but even our words and thoughts. From this perspective, we see the events in our life review as if through the eyes of God with total acceptance and forgiveness.

Perspective Five: We experience being in the bodies of all the people we have ever interacted with and even the bystanders in every event in our life. This is easily explained if we are all ONE in a higher dimension. We experience the physical, emotional and intellectual perspective of all those people. We will experience all the pain or indifference or laughter or love that occurred in those people due to our actions or words.

We as spirit not flesh now judge our own actions. This Holy Being of Light we will all meet, that is often described by experiencers, is present partly to help us get through the horror of actually experiencing the pain and suffering we may have caused others. The Light insures that the life review occurs in an atmosphere of total acceptance, total love and total forgiveness. God’s forgiveness does not mean that all is now perfection for our spirit, as Hell or Karma (the transmigration of souls) or may follow.

We are also shown the "ripple" effect of all our actions on others in this regard. Therefore imagine what Hitler's death must have been like----he had to experience the mostly unimaginable, horrible deaths of tens of millions people!

This death experience takes place "outside" of time. Therefore we can review our life without time problems or confusion, and our awareness and capacity for understanding are greatly enhanced. In short, the panoramic life review is morally the mirror image of the golden rule - "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So if we act with love, compassion and forgiveness toward others, at death we will get back in total detail all the love, caring and comfort we have given out. Conversely, if we damage someone physically or emotionally, we will get back in detail all the pain, suffering and hurt that we delivered. Our life experience then finds perfect symmetry in death. This also confirms what many religions teach.

To give us more perspective on this experience, let’s imagine what happened after death to these 19 terrorists who died on September 11th expecting paradise and 72 virgins. Those 19 terrorist's spirits were horrified to discover that they each had to reenact the terrible deaths (as if they were in the deceased’s actual bodies at the time of their death) of over 2800 people. They also experienced the fear and grief of the families left behind and the sadness experienced by millions more around the world. There is perfect symmetry, perfect love, perfect forgiveness and perfect justice in our Universe.

My Theories Come From London Physicist and Einstein Protege David Bohm. In “Cosmos as Hologram”, an aspect of the Whole (God) is contained in the smallest part. From the book the Holographic Universe: Our brains mathematically construck objective reality by interpreting frequencies that are ultimately projections from another dimension, a deeper order of existence that is beyond both space and time: The brain is a hologram enfolded in a holographic Universe.

This Energy, this Force, the Absolute (God) underlies and pervades all form and matter. So of course we can't measure the Not Measurable with extensions of form (human beings). Therefore even the most sensitive and technologically sophisticated extensions of our senses (telescope, microscope, or cyclotron) still cannot measure God. A few reductionist scientists are arrogant and naive enough to believe that if they can't measure something, by definition it doesn't exist. That philosophy is called scientism.

Max Planck, while accepting his Nobel Prize said, “As a man who has devoted my whole life to the most clear headed study of the science of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much; there is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists by virtue of a force, which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force, the existence of a Conscious and Intelligent Mind. This Mind is the Matrix of all matter.”

Albert Einstein, who the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921, wrote, “A human being is part of a whole, called by us the ‘Universe’, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest - a kind of optical delusion of this consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.”

Before the big bang, based on my study of spirituality and the NDE, I believe the Mystery called God only existed as Consciousness and was without form, matter, time or space. We might say that the Absolute was unmanifest or homogenized. David Bohm would say the Implicate Order (God) had not yet manifested the explicate order (the Universe). Even though without form before the Big Bang, the Absolute contained within it the total potential of all possible manifest form. Form can only exist through the instrument of duality (polar opposites). There is just ONE of us (God) manifesting the Universe originating through the tool of the big bang. Form or matter can only exist as duality.

Form is comprised of matter and antimatter, protons and neutrons, light and darkness, good and evil, cause and effect, subject and object.

There is no object which is of a different nature from the Subject (God). Nor can the Subject (God) be seen or measured as if it were an object.

From another dimension, the Subjective (God) manifests the objective Universe into existence. However we still have free will. That free will and God's Predetermination mysteriously co-exists the same way that order and chaos co-exist in the physical Universe. A TV anchor that was dying said this on his last show; "Do you know how to make God laugh? Tell Her/ Him/It/Is about your plans". He said it without anger but with humor and acceptance. This is an example of the expanded awareness that nothing can happen unless God allows it to happen in our Universe.

We must trust God's will while we still do our best to change what we don't accept. It is an attitude that takes some time to be comfortable with. Ultimately it is about our faith. But there is no in between about our Universe, it is either all-perfect at a higher level or it is all just random probability. God is either Absolute or She/He/It/Is doesn't even exist at all.

But I would rather be an optimist about God’s existence who is wrong rather than a pessimist who is right. As Jesus explained to his followers “you need to be in this world (totally present while using our free will to be an activist for loving change), but not of this world” (totally surrendered to the Absolute and the Absolute's will). Besides forgiveness and unconditional love, this is one of Christ’s most important messages. your social media marketing partner
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