The Seven Gates

Written by Jaron Pearlman   
Tuesday, 15 April 2014 06:38
A massive part of reforming world politics and socio-economic inequality has to do with changing the concept of the individual. How one thinks of themselves (in physiology and ego) is key to implementing a better education, better health, and a better society. We live in a world where caste and profit are the priority rather than critical thought or human rights- and that creates an utter vacuum among much of the world’s people in regards to their own health, existence, and reality.

The use of (meditative) reflection and patience is increasingly lost on the modern world, and with it so dies the true wisdom man has acquired over the ages. Many of these teachings are still found in religious practice and philosophy, but are unrelated to anything deistic. Judaic Kabbalah, Christian Unitarianism, Islamic Sufism, and Taoist Dao are all great examples of religious doctrine encouraging spiritual/personal growth, acceptance of others, and critical thought. Though “conventional” deism is somewhat lost on this writer, there are many incredible revelations contained in world religion and study- if you can see through the chaff.

One of my favorite examples is ‘the seven chakras’ of Hindu (variations of this do exist in many other religions). These seven points correspond to ‘gates’ or ‘knots’ in the body dealing with metabolic process, cognitive thought, movement, sexual activity, and spirituality. By ‘opening’ or ‘closing’ these gates, a person determines their physical/mental health, stability, and relationships. Most people (including me) have imbalanced gates- some open partially, others closed or opened entirely. Regardless of religious implications, examining these points one at a time is great for striving towards constant self-improvement. With chakras, their placements in the body are also metaphorical. The function of the surrounding anatomy represents qualities of the chakras that are less tangible.

The first is the Root Chakra, or Maladhara. It is positioned at the base of the spine, near the pelvis. The Root Chakra enables survival, and controls fight or flight responses (hence the legs and spine). This chakra connects to the ground, and can determine much, from levels of self-confidence to founding stability in mind and spirit. In terms of ego, this is shown in athleticism and physical confidence. Physically it is the legs, path to the feet, spine, and lower gut (symbolizing the lower body’s metabolic process- the absorption of nutrients). The duality of the first gate is: An open Maladhara will enable foundation for survival, ability to absorb/use nutrition or basic information, and confidence- while a closed one will create doubt in ones actions/abilities, lack of metabolic function or ability to retain information, and hesitation. Fear ultimately blocks the Root Chakra and is its opposing force. It can sabotage not just ability to perform tasks, but also physical metabolism/function of the gut and legs.

Next is the Swadisthana Chakra. It is positioned near the human reproductive/hormone producing organs, and has control over sexual health, emotional needs, adrenal function, enthusiasm, joy, and creativity. Though it correlates with human sexuality in its physical placement, an open Swadisthana allows much of what we consider human- the need to give and receive basic emotional needs not just from partners and family, but from society as a whole. To be accepted and comfortable around others is both the need and function of this chakra. In creative endeavors, adrenal activity, or outwardly showing basic emotions like ‘happy’, ‘sad’, or ‘angry’, Swadisthana must be opened. A closed second gate doesn’t permit the confidence to act as one feels. Opposing this chakra is guilt, lack of social confidence, callousness, and misanthropy. Opening it gives the freedom to act as one feels without shame of being human- varying in social, professional, sexual, and creative natures.

Third is the Manipura, or Fire Chakra. The Fire Chakra is considered to represent the upper metabolic process, as it resides in the primary gut and stomach. In literal terms it represents obtaining energy, and healthy appetite/diet/ metabolism. It also is central to warmth, ease of nature, and mirth. The Manipura is integral to growth, both physically and in ones life philosophy. It helps govern willpower and fortitude in ones convictions as well. By concentrating on healthy diet and core muscle strength, this chakra can literally and drastically improve self-control, strength, health, and clarity of convictions. By obtaining confidence in the basis what one believes in humor is also more free to flow, as offenses are taken less. Diet has much to do with what one believes, as the choices of what we put in our bodies are shown in our behaviors. Inhibiting this Chakra is shame, laziness, or lack of willpower. Manipura opening requires manifestation of thought and goals, not procrastination or closed-mindedness. To not follow through with ones goals shows weakness in the Manipura- a lack of strength to see things through.

The ‘Heartmind’ (or mind of one’s heart) is represented in the Anahata Chakra and is the fourth major gate. It is related physically to the heart and thymus, the central sites for circulatory and immune system function. In a physical sense this Chakra allows for good health and longevity, and in the existential it allows intimate openness to other beings and controls complex emotions like romance, equilibrium, and the ability to love the self and others (accepting oneself is separate from loving oneself). Immune function is closely related to emotional stability as well as nutritional factors- as both heart and thymus functions are affected by feelings of loneliness, disdain, sorrow, or hatred. Closing this Chakra creates inhibition of allowing others into ones life, or enjoying the company of oneself. As the Anaharta deals with love and well-being (physical and otherwise), it can be blocked by excessive grief or stress. Being proud of where one is in their life helps open the fourth gate- while dissatisfaction closes it. A sense of never being satisfied with where ones life ended up often stems from a closed Anahata.

Vishudda represents the fifth gate- The Throat Chakra. In metaphor it represents not just confidence is speech, but fluid thought, and the ability to listen to others. Other aural/verbal properties are also related to the Throat Chakra. Physically it corresponds to the thyroid, governing growth and stability. Part of a properly adjusted Vishudda is growth in patience to hear others without interrupting, and orating ones thoughts coherently/respectably. Just as with the literal growth from the thyroid, the Vishudda must grow in metaphor as we age, promoting clearer thought and better listening skills. Encouraging this gate to open reveals more perspectives from more people, and promotes universal respect for other creeds, lifestyles, and beliefs. Haste, hubris, and short temper show a weak Vishudda. This Chakra is opened using truth, patience, and acceptance- or can be blocked by lies, impatience, and prejudice. By weaving lies and generalizations into ours and others lives, the communication between various peoples end up being locked behind closed gates, unable to favor diplomacy over hostility.

Number six is the Anja Chakra. It deals with the eyes and passage into the spiritual being from the physical (this is not a statement on any afterlife, rather a look into the phenomenon of consciousness). This Chakra has the ability to see through the human duality of existence, or alternatively lock one into a false reality. Thus its moniker ‘The Third Eye Chakra’. Anja guides intuition and helps to mediate the functions of the lower Chakras. It serves the eyes and as such gives our other chakras basis for their actions. The eyes choose the food we eat, help form opinions to motivate actions, and judge physical character. When we speak to one another we tend to focus on the eyes as a form of acknowledgment that communication is engaged. In the metaphysical, ‘sight’ would refer to disposition, or choice of perceived reality. This is also determined by the Anja; choosing to see what one wants to see.
Anja includes the pineal gland as well. The pineal gland helps regulate sleep/dreams by producing melatonin, and dimethyltyptamine (DMT) a naturally occurring (and powerful) hallucinogen, that is attributed to spiritual enlightenment in many cultures. DMT is found in many plants and mammals, occurring in complete compliance with natural laws. It can be released naturally through meditation, or in times of life altering experience (traumas, being born or dying). Blocking this Chakra is disillusion, stubbornness, and apathy. Strengthening it dissolves opinion structures and biases, while creating empathy, better judgment, and respect.

The final major Chakra is the Sahasrara or Thousand Pedaled Lotus. It is positioned directly on the crown of the head and relates to the brain, thalamus, hypothalamus, and the literal electromagnetic waves brains create. These waves are measured in hertz and consist of Beta at 15-30Hz (awake and active), Alpha at 9-14Hz (awake and relaxed), Theta at 4-8Hz (deeply relaxed/meditating, light sleep), and Delta at 1-3Hz (deep sleep). Consciousness and relation to the universe as a whole comes from the Sahasrara. Prayer, meditation, and critical thought regarding the concept of being also stem from it. Questioning existence or purpose comes from this too.
Sahasrara serves to excel one beyond the human experience and provide a deeper relation to the macro. The quest for spirituality and universal purpose are inseparable from human nature, and are explored by the seventh gate. Again, faith or belief systems are not of consequence, as these apply to whatever universal truths we search for or believe in. The Sahasrara gives us the sensory perception to make our own distinctions as to whether there is one God, many Gods, no God, ect- because at the end it is an interpretation of the macro. Much like an inkblot test in psychology there is no proper answer to an interpretation- instead comes from the unique development of each persons own Sahasrara. Being humble in beliefs, curious, patient, and accepting that no cosmic answer is true or false free this chakra. Blocking it is over attachment to material goods (including money), total hedonism, lack of patience, and dismissiveness of others belief systems.

The seventh gate is the transmitter and receiver for signs that all matter and life originate from the same source- a cosmic brotherhood of whatever name and origin we choose.

I have long been of the opinion that organized religions serve to undermine individual thought and work hand in hand with government. There is no real separation of Church and State anywhere. But religions have been around a very long time, and are far from vestigial. The key component in finding value through religions lies in self examination and reflection- not mass readings and zealotry. Traditions and ancient beliefs have much to offer even after being corrupted over the centuries to serve to interests of a select few.

In the case of the major chakras, I find it a wonderful model to examine oneself by. It encompasses so many qualities that can help improve the individual, the community, and the world- yet I see little of it being considered in everyday life. These great insights are counter however to Hindu caste systems- where privileges and education are withheld from various lower castes- showing once again the need to sift through religious doctrine to find the real value. The great variations of human cultures should serve to educate and alter perspective.

I doubt anyone has their gates opened completely, but that’s the point! Doing the best for oneself and others is a never-ending task. There is no ultimatum to receive a ‘pass or fail’ for existence. Much like eating, religion can’t be given out en masse like fast food- real spirituality comes from waiting, working, and applying real individual thought. your social media marketing partner
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