Written by radical2013   
Sunday, 22 September 2013 01:17
Once Upon a Time, There walked a Unknown Wiseman amongst the People of the Land, and he spoke and spread the Universal Message for the Love God through our conscious acts of Love and Peace to all we meet.
One day, A little boy was standing there holding a turtle that he just caught out of this little pond. The Unknown Wiseman approached him and asked him why he just did not let the Turtle go? Since the Turtle was, in fact, sorta like this Unknown Wiseman.
The Wiseman explained that this Turtle has just came out of this pond, and that as the Turtle swam amongst the Fish. The Turtle told all the Fish in the pond that there is life beyond this Pond. Where there was beings that didn’t breath water, but air, and the beings walked upon the land and flew through the air.
A lot of the Fish in the pond believed in the Turtle because some of the Fish know from jumping out of the water in the pond from time to time give the fish the glimmer of hope that there is life beyond the pond.
The Turtle told all the Fish. That even when the sun is not shining. When the pond is dark and cold. That there are stars that shine from the heavens for as far as the eyes can see beyond the Pond.
Turtles are here to remind us that the way to heaven is through the Earth, and that our Bodies (Earth) is all that we need in our spiritual journey through life. Our Bodies/Earth will care for us, protect us, and nurture us, as long as we do the same for her.
We must slow down and heighten our sensibilities by withdrawing from our senses(as a turtle pulls their legs inside their shell), and go within ourselves to protect us from the dangers of the world. The Turtle understands the need for self protection, and the protection of those you love. The Turtle has a shell that becomes it's home, whenever it is threatened it retreats to safety of it's shell. This teaches the symbolic meaning of the Turtle that you can do the same, and create sorta a spiritual shield that is your armor against negativity, harmful influences, and painful memories. In retreat gather your inner wisdom and emerge strengthened and prepared to move forward.
The turtle takes its wisdom by living one day at a time - not reacting, simply accepting, and moving on in its own natural peaceful way. We must learn to see the connection to all things, and remember that just as the turtle cannot separate itself from its shell, neither can we separate ourselves from what we do to the earth. This is a powerful lesson for humankind, and all mankind would all benefit from living the same pattern in our daily way of life
You may see Turtles as a slow, peaceful creatures that doesn’t look like it will travel very far in life. But in reality there are many types of turtles, especially sea turtles, that travel/journey over thousands of miles across the ocean annually, and let the tides/currents take the Turtles where they will, and the Turtle just surrenders in unconditional trust that all will be okay, and will arrive when and where it is suppose too.
This is a beautiful lesson for us to apply in our everyday lifes to enjoy the journey of your life, trusting in the flow of nature, and experiencing all of the blessings that we will experience along the way. In life there is no absolute destination. Life is about enjoying life through the experiences we have during our journey of life, this is the symbol of the Turtle.
This is also a very positive lesson/dynamic of the Turtle’s resilience and perseverance. Some people prefer the sea turtles. Because they are perceived as symbols of strength, courage, longevity, knowledge, security, tenacity and persistence.
The Symbolic Meaning of the Turtle is that of a very Ancient Soul living in the seas/oceans, deserts, and the forests. A Turtle Spirit Animal gracefully teaches us of the art of changing/adapting to our new surroundings and environments. The Turtle teaches us a lesson to experiment with new concepts and ideas, while maintaining a comfortable self pace.
There is a Native American Turtle Totem that tells us that the Turtle teaches by example for us not to push ourselves so fast in life. Because we could make errors in decisions when we do not take our time to think our our direction in life, and we would miss a lot opportunities in life to fully experience and explore all the essences of life.
The Turtle has the wisdom of knowing that all things come in perfect, and divine timing by sharing the universal lesson of patience. The Turtle Spirit Animal teaches us to know our inner wisdom by "going inside" finding peace, safety, and to take the journey of the spirit. Because these spiritual journeys opens the Turtle(and us) up to the realm of imagination and intuition, where anything is possible.
Turtles live a very long and fruitful life, and teaches the great spiritual significance of taking the very best care of ourselves and to have a long life filled with a vast sea of experiencing in our journey through life by learning many valuable life lessons along the way.
Turtle Symbolism ~ wrap up...
۞Protection ۞Self Pace ۞Longevity
۞Vast journeys ۞Blessings ۞Inner Wisdom
۞Patience ۞Serendipity ۞Intuition
THE TURTLE PARABLE by radical2013(JR Ziegler) your social media marketing partner
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