The Three Fundamental Flaws in Classical Christianity

Written by Patrick Wells   
Tuesday, 05 June 2012 00:33

(Why I am a follower of Jesus, but not a Christian)

Albert Einstein was right when he wrote, “Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Science and religion are both incomplete without Spirituality or what I call the Science of Consciousness. The opinions and conclusions expressed herein are based entirely on my 33-year study of the Near-Death-Experience, After-Death-Communications, Induced-After-Death-Communications, Nearing-Death-Awareness, Dreaming-Of-Death, mysticism, Spirituality, religion and quantum physics. See my article, "Consciousness (the Implicate Order) precedes, is more primary than and animates matter, space and time (the explicate order)",

What is very clear from my research is that Classical Christianity has three fundamental flaws. They are slowly destroying the true and very inclusive nature of the real Jesus. That is why I am a follower and a disciple of Jesus, but not a Christian! I am a disciple of Jesus because I spent 10 years producing my animated movie about Jesus, AT JESUS’ SIDE. It is the best children’s movie ever made about Jesus. Because it will deliver peace, the message of AT JESUS' SIDE is Jesus’ most important lesson for mankind "Forgive thy enemies". The Dove Foundation gave it 4 out of 5 stars writing, "A sure to become classic animated movie that brings the teachings of Jesus to life in today's families through the story of five misfit animals on a journey toward love and forgiveness. The characters are delightful. This is a warm and nice story and every family member can enjoy this DVD. We happily award our Dove "Family-Approved" Seal to this DVD. It is terrific!"

Flaw #1: “In the beginning was Jesus and Jesus was with God, and Jesus was God.” (John 1:1-2) “There are Three who were present in the beginning: The Father, Jesus The Son, and The Holy Spirit; and These Three are One God.” (1 John 5:7)

The New Testament insists that Jesus Christ was literally the same as God at the beginning of time and is not just a human being. Human beings should use Jesus’ life as a guide for their behavior, but since Jesus is God and we are not, we can’t ever reach his internal state of being. In addition, Jesus was the ONLY Son of God.

My response to Flaw #1: Actually, Jesus was just like every other human being, except he was born enlightened. We are all the Sons and Daughters of God. All human beings have the potential to reach the same internal state of being that Jesus was born with and that Buddha and Moses probably attained. So the Catholics are correct to honor Mary here, because if Jesus was born enlightened, then his mother must have attained enlightenment before his gestation (but no virgin birth happened here).

Many Near-Death “experiencers” have reported that, according to the Holy Being of Light they “see”, human beings have the unique capacity to merge their individual Spirit with aspects of the Universal Spirit while still alive. This state is called enlightenment. Some NDErs also report being “told” that there are billions and billions of different self-conscious life forms in our Universe. The vast majority of these self-conscious beings can only merge their Spirits with God after death. Therefore, a human incarnation of any kind is an incredible and almost unique gift in this vast Universe of ours

This state of merging with the Absolute (God) can be called enlightenment or Liberation or “At-one-ment.” The basic purpose of human life when we are fully developed physically is to survive, to continue the evolution of the species through procreation, to love one another and God unconditionally while pursuing enlightenment. At age 13 or 14, we are certainly aware of the power of our arising sexual energy. What we are less aware of, and are not educated about by our modern religions and materialistic culture, is that another energy is forming along with our sexual energy.

The presence of this Spiritual energy is signaled by an emerging drive to get “high,” a self-induced alteration of our consciousness. This need to get “high” is a fourth natural drive like the basic drives of thirst, hunger and sex, a universal and inescapable fact of life. Unfortunately, without the knowledge of the purpose for this drive, we often turn to drugs and alcohol as well as other addictive behaviors (attachment) instead. It is no surprise then that successful therapy for chemical addiction usually involves surrendering to a higher power. (See “Free Rides: How To Get High Without Drugs” by Doug Rushkoff and Patrick Wells.)

This Spiritual energy, coiled at the base of the spine, is called “Kundalini” in Sanskrit. Spiritual energy and sexual energy are metaphorically opposite sides of the same coin. However, while sexual energy is accessible to almost all, Spiritual energy lies dormant until it is awakened. Without this awakening, true happiness and liberation are impossible. The fire of one who is enlightened can awaken Kundalini, like one candle lights another. A near-death-experience also awakens one’s Kundalini. Christians would call this real experience being “Born Again,” but almost all Christians that make that claim that are not enlightened in any way.

There is no actual separate individual here, rather the individual is a just a particular space-time perspective. Identifying with this perspective is the ego (I am separate from all other form). To manage this limited ego, we need to practice relaxing into stillness using meditation while always living in the present moment with mindfulness. Meditation techniques either consist of finding and steadying the space between our thoughts or maintaining a continuous awareness of our inhalation and exhalation. If we get lost in thoughts about the future or the past (as we all do), just begin the practice again and again and again.

I am a Spiritualist. The Spiritualists and the mystics were persecuted by the early Christian Church and forced to go underground in medieval Europe. Their one remaining detailed text, which was not destroyed by the Catholic Church, is the Nag Hammadi Text discovered in 1947.

The mystic belief, like mine, is that all religions have originated from a universal Spirituality referred to as Unitary Consciousness, or the Ancient Wisdom. The mystical beliefs of these secret societies were based on the Hermetic maxim “as above-so below” which teaches that the natural world is a material reflection of the Spiritual.

It forms the esoteric basis for the Ancient Egyptian Mysteries, Gnosticism, Esoteric Christianity, Judaism’s Cabbala (Kabbalah), the Hermetic tradition, alchemy and societies such as the Templars, Freemasons and Rosicrucians. The goal of all of these philosophies is to lead the individual from material darkness to the Spiritual light of understanding.

Flaw #2: In John 14:6, Jesus declares, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." In Acts 4:12, Peter proclaims, "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among mortals by which we must be saved." In classical Christianity, only those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and accepted His death and resurrection will go to Heaven. All others will not. Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be condemned to Hell.

My response to Flaw #2: In fact, after our death, all human beings will find their Spirit has been expelled out of their physical body with a continuity of awareness and a feeling of detached bliss. We still have all our senses, which are now panoramic not directional, as we can see in all directions (360 degrees) at once. We can move through solid objects; we are telepathic and clairvoyant. Just by thinking of a distant location, we are instantly transported there. Our Spirits are invisible to most people, but have been seen by real psychics, other dying people and some non-verbal children, mostly in hospitals. Confirming that all matter is a manifestation of Consciousness, a few near-death experiencers have reported that they have consciously moved their Spirits inside trees and boulders. They report resonating with a type of consciousness similar to ours but much slower and with much less depth.

After an indeterminate period of time remaining in the space-time continuum, our Light bodies (we appear at the age that we were happiest in life) are drawn into and through a vortex or tunnel-like object. Some experiencers describe traveling though this black “satin tunnel” at the speed of light as if through space. Finally, we reach a Holy Being made of Light now well known in the pop culture, which has been variously described as God, Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna, God's Emissary, a Guardian Angel, the Great Father, a Mandala, or our Higher Self.

The Holy Being of Light we all meet is the portal that ALL human Spirits must pass through at death, NOT JUST Christians. This Holy Being of Light is what I call the "Christ Portal."

As a part of God's plan to comfort us, our Spirits will meet and eventually pass through the “Holy Image” we expect to see. Atheists see a Holy Being made of Light. Jews see an Angel made of Light. Christians see Jesus Christ. Buddhists see Buddha, Muslims see Mohammed, etc., etc. Even many years after their NDEs, people often begin to sob just describing meeting this Holy Being of Light because of the intensity of the unconditional love they felt. They describe this experience as being more real than what they experience as waking life. This Holy Being of Light communicates telepathically to each person and the first portion of the communication usually begins with I love you.

Many who have returned from the brink of death describe these communications as if two minds became one, and then the thoughts occurred in alternating order, just as if they had become One Mind or One Consciousness. This is also consistent with my NDE hypothesis that at a higher level, despite the appearance of diversity, we are all ONE. All of the near-death-experiencers, who meet this Holy Being of Light, feel words alone are not adequate to truly describe this amazing meeting.

Flaw #3: “So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12) And the Lord will JUDGE the decisions he made, including those concerning issues of conscience. This judgment does not determine salvation, “which is by faith alone” (Ephesians 2:8-9), but rather is the time when believers must give an account of their lives in service to Christ. The fire of God’s judgment will completely burn up the “wood, hay and stubble” of the words we spoke and things we did which had no eternal value.

My response to Flaw #3: In reality, after death, as we are Spirit not flesh, we can and do JUDGE our own actions in a structured Life Review. This Holy Being of Light, we all meet, is present partly to help us get through the horror of actually experiencing the pain and suffering we may have caused others. The Light insures that our Life Review occurs in an atmosphere of total acceptance, total love and total forgiveness. We are also shown the "ripple" effect of all our actions on others in this regard. Therefore imagine what kind of death Stalin or other war criminals must have faced. God’s forgiveness does not mean that all is now perfection for our Spirit, as Hell or Karma (the transmigration of Spirits) may follow.

The Panoramic Life Review at death is an aspect of the near-death-experience that is less well known, but may be the most important aspect of all the NDE phenomena. From my research, I believe that when we die, we will all experience a complete review of every single moment of our life. Not only will we review every moment of our life, but also we actually re-experience every moment physically, emotionally and intellectually from “five different perspectives at once.”

 Perspective One: We are a point of view camera in the sky or ceiling seeing everything from an overhead view.
 Perspective Two: We see things from the perspective of the personality we were at the age we were in the event we are re-experiencing at that moment.
 Perspective Three: The same re-experiencing of the event as in perspective two, but now from the perspective of the personality we were at the age we were at the time of our death.
 Perspective Four: This perspective and the last perspective are not only extraordinary, but force us to examine the issue of the existence of a higher power and being held accountable for not only our actions but even our words and thoughts. From this perspective, we see the events in our life review as if through the eyes of God with total acceptance and forgiveness.
 Perspective Five: We experience being in the bodies of all the people we have ever interacted with and even the bystanders in every event in our life. This is easily explained if we are all ONE in a higher dimension. We also experience the physical, emotional and intellectual perspective of all those people. We will experience all the pain or indifference or laughter or love that occurred in those people due to our actions and words.

This death experience takes place "outside" of time. Therefore we can review our life without time problems or confusion, and our awareness and capacity for understanding are greatly enhanced. In short, the panoramic life review is morally the mirror image of the golden rule, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." So if we act with love, compassion and forgiveness toward others, at death we will get back in total detail all the love, caring and comfort we have given out. Conversely, if we damage someone physically or emotionally, we will get back in detail all the pain, suffering and hurt that we delivered. Our life experience then finds perfect symmetry in death. This also confirms what many religions teach. your social media marketing partner
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