
Reich writes: "The Trump presidency can be viewed as illegitimate on 2 grounds."

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

I Agree With Rep. John Lewis. Trump Is Not a Legitimate President.

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

17 January 17


rump’s slams his critics in order to divert attention from what his critics actually say, so the ensuing controversy is about Trump's response rather than about the substance of the criticism.

So what about Congressman John Lewis’s statement Friday that he doesn’t view Trump as a “legitimate president”?

The Trump presidency can be viewed as illegitimate on 2 grounds:

1. Legal: There’s mounting evidence that Putin’s operatives won the election for Trump. Yesterday, Senator Diane Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate intelligence committee, said Russian operatives affected the “outcome” of the election.

This isn’t like Trump questioning the legitimacy of the Obama presidency by alleging Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. (ultimately Obama did produce proof of his citizenship). There was no basis for Trump’s assertion. Here, the FBI, CIA, and NSA have provided substantial evidence of Russian intervention. The burden of proof is on Trump to show the Russians didn’t win the election for him.

2. Moral: It’s arguable that no one who gains the presidency by inciting hatred (claiming undocumented immigrants from Mexico are rapists and murderers, calling Muslims suspect terrorists, mocking a disabled reporter, encouraging violence against black protesters at his rallies, denigrating women) has a legitimate claim to the presidency.

The presidency is not just a legal and constitutional position. It is also a position of moral authority in America.

Saying Trump is not a “legitimate” president doesn’t deny the fact that Trump will be the president, starting Friday. It says he should not be president, legally or morally. I share that view.

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