
Galindez writes: "Psssssst ... Hey, Trump supporters, the Never Trumpers have abandoned you. They are doing everything they can to stop your guy. I just have to ask, why should you remain loyal to them?"

Paul Ryan and Donald Trump. (photo: KTLM)
Paul Ryan and Donald Trump. (photo: KTLM)

Never Ryan? Never McCain?

By Scott Galindez, Reader Supported News

23 October 16


sssssst … Hey, Trump supporters, the Never Trumpers have abandoned you. They are doing everything they can to stop your guy. I just have to ask, why should you remain loyal to them? Let’s face it, they have ruined any chance your guy had to become president. Why don’t you send them a message? Don’t vote in the down-ballot races, and let them pay a price for their decision.

Okay, you’re right: I have no sympathy for Donald Trump and I think he ruined his own campaign. I don’t believe he believes any of his populist message. I think he is using your anger and desire for change. He says what he knows you want to hear. If you really want change and want to reform our politics, then throw the bums out! Here is a list of just the GOP members of Congress who are not voting a straight party line.

Paul Ryan said he will no longer have Trump’s back. So don’t have his back. Don’t vote for him.

Ileana Ros-Lehtinen said she will write Jeb Bush’s name in on the ballot in November. So you should write in someone else’s name in her Congressional race.

Charlie Dent, a moderate Republican who represents southeastern Pennsylvania, said he doesn’t intend to vote for Trump or Clinton. “I’m not planning to vote for either of the two major-party nominees.” Vote third party in his race too.

Adam Kinzinger, who criticized Ted Cruz for not endorsing Trump at the convention in Cleveland, is now saying he can’t vote for Trump. You shouldn’t vote for Kinzinger either.

Mike Coffman said, “For the good of the country, and to give the Republicans a chance of defeating Hillary Clinton, Mr. Trump should step aside.” Give him his walking papers.

Bob Dold said, “Whether it be Mr. Trump’s comments about women, his comments about Muslims, his comments about Latinos, for me it was very personal his comments about POWs.... I want to make [sure] that I’m clear about this, I’m not going to support Hillary Clinton either. I would write someone in.” Well, so should you in his Congressional race.

Scott Rigell said that he will vote for Libertarian Gary Johnson. Is there a libertarian running against him?

Dave Reichert said that, after the release of a video in which Trump boasts about sexually assaulting women, “Donald Trump has lost my vote.” Has Reichert lost yours?

Reid Ribble said in December that he would not back Trump if he became the nominee. In June, he said Trump was “likely to be a racist.” Now, along with Rep. Scott Rigell and a slew of operatives, he has signed a letter asking the RNC to withdraw resources from the Trump campaign and concentrate on holding Congress. Withhold your vote from Ribble.

Jason Chaffetz said, “I’m out. I can no longer in good conscience endorse this person for president. It is some of the most abhorrent and offensive comments that you can possibly imagine.” Does he have your vote?

Barbara Comstock said, “I cannot in good conscience vote for Donald Trump.” Can you vote for her?

Martha Roby said, “Donald Trump's behavior makes him unacceptable as a candidate for president and I won't vote for him.” Is she acceptable to you?

Joe Heck called on Trump to step down.

Cresent Hardy said he will no longer support Trump.

Mia Love said, “His behavior and bravado have reached a new low. I cannot vote for him. For the good of the party, he should step aside.”

Will Hurd said, “I never endorsed Trump and I cannot in good conscience support or vote for a man who degrades women, insults minorities, and has no clear path to keep our country safe.”

Steve Knight said, “While I’ve never before endorsed a Presidential candidate, I’ve felt compelled to strongly condemn many of Mr. Trump’s previous outrageous remarks. And after serious consideration, I have decided that I cannot support either candidate for President.”

John Katko said, “I am certainly not going to vote for him.”

Kay Granger called on him to withdraw in the wake of a video in which he boasts about sexually assaulting women.

Rodney Davis has called on Trump to step down in favor of Mike Pence. “I am rescinding my support for Donald Trump and asking to have my name removed from his agriculture advisory committee.”

Ann Wagner said, “As a strong and vocal advocate for victims of sex trafficking and assault, I must be true to those survivors and myself and condemn the predatory and reprehensible comments of Donald Trump,”

Tom Rooney will not vote for Trump in the wake of a video in which Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women. Rooney will also not vote for Clinton. Rooney was one of the earliest members of Congress to back Trump. “I’m a Republican and he’s our nominee. All these people who are saying they’re not going to support who the Republican primary electorate has chosen need to re-evaluate why they’re part of this team. The people have spoken and you have to respect that.” I guess Rooney quit the team.

Erik Paulsen called a video in which Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women “disgusting and offensive,” adding, “I will not be voting for him.”

Frank LoBiondo said he will vote for Mike Pence instead of Donald Trump. “I cannot support and will not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to be president of the United States.”

Jamie Herrera Beutler said she will write in Speaker Paul Ryan for president.

Those are just the members of the House of Representatives who will not be supporting the GOP nominee. Of course they are showing that they are sane. They are making the right choice. No person of morals should vote for Donald Trump.

But ...

If they are not supporting the party nominee, then you don’t have to vote a straight ticket either. I dare you: vote against any Republican who isn’t voting for your guy.

Imagine if all of these incumbents lost their seat because they abandoned Donald Trump. What a powerful message that would send … (wink)

Scott Galindez attended Syracuse University, where he first became politically active. The writings of El Salvador's slain archbishop Oscar Romero and the on-campus South Africa divestment movement converted him from a Reagan supporter to an activist for Peace and Justice. Over the years he has been influenced by the likes of Philip Berrigan, William Thomas, Mitch Snyder, Don White, Lisa Fithian, and Paul Wellstone. Scott met Marc Ash while organizing counterinaugural events after George W. Bush's first stolen election. Scott will be spending a year covering the presidential election from Iowa.

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