
Reich writes: "I was among those who argued Bernie should hold off endorsing Hillary until the convention nominates her (assuming it would nominate her) - because the moment he endorses he loses whatever leverage he might have to push her campaign and the Democratic Party in a progressive (that is, not the Democratic corporate and Wall Street) direction."

Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)
Former Clinton labor secretary Robert Reich. (photo: Steve Russell/Toronto Star)

As Bernie Prepares to Endorse Hillary, We Should Remember How Far He Pushed the Democrats

By Robert Reich, Robert Reich's Facebook Page

12 July 16


was among those who argued Bernie should hold off endorsing Hillary until the convention nominates her (assuming it would nominate her) -- because the moment he endorses he loses whatever leverage he might have to push her campaign and the Democratic Party in a progressive (that is, not the Democratic corporate and Wall Street) direction.

Well, it looks as though he’ll be endorsing her tomorrow, and thereby officially pulling the plug on his campaign. Which means the Democratic primary will finally, officially end -- as will his leverage.

Nonetheless, by holding off this long Bernie did move Hillary and the Democratic Party further along toward tuition-free higher public education and toward a “public option” under Obamacare – but not, unfortunately, on the loathsome Trans Pacific Partnership or on fracking or on ending superdelegates and closed primaries.

The immediate question is whether Bernie’s endorsement will sway many of his supporters who until now have held off supporting Hillary.

The longer-term question is whether Bernie's supporters will join together after the election to create a new political force – whether in the form of a third “New Progressive” party, or inside the Democratic Party – to recruit, field, and support candidates who subscribe the basic tenets of Bernie’s political revolution. I sincerely hope so.

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