
Pierce writes: "There is no bottom to the barrel that is 'Bobby' Jindal, wandering governor of Louisiana and walking asterisk in the presidential contest. There is no national tragedy that this charlatan cannot make worse."

Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal in 2012. (photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal in 2012. (photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)

Please Punch This Man in the Dick

By Charles Pierce, Esquire

09 October 15


Dammit, Bobby.

here is no bottom to the barrel that is "Bobby" Jindal, wandering governor of Louisiana and walking asterisk in the presidential contest. There is no national tragedy that this charlatan cannot make worse.

Now, let's get really politically incorrect here and talk specifically about this horror in Oregon. This killer's father is now lecturing us on the need for gun control and he says he has no idea how or where his son got the guns. Of course he doesn't know. You know why he doesn't know? Because he is not, and has never been in his son's life. He's a complete failure as a father, he should be embarrassed to even show his face in public. He's the problem here. He brags that he has never held a gun in his life and that he had no idea that his son had any guns. Why didn't he know? Because he failed to raise his son. He should be ashamed of himself, and he owes us all an apology.

This'll be good for at least a three-point bump in the next poll of Iowa Republicans. However, would I be uncivil if I were to suggest that somebody punch this man right in his dick? your social media marketing partner
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