
Bennett reports: "Coming just hours after one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history, another weekend of public gunfire incidents will only add more fuel to the growing debate over gun control."

Four shootings occured across America over the weekend, just hours after the shooting in Newport, Conn. (photo: unknown)
Four shootings occured across America over the weekend, just hours after the shooting in Newport, Conn. (photo: unknown)

Gun Violence Didn't Stop This Weekend

By Dashiell Bennett, The Atlantic Wire

17 December 12


ith a nation still mourning the Sandy Hook school shooting, Americans across the country continue to deal with even more public gunfire this weekend, including another shooting at a late night moving screening. Police in San Antonio say a man fired several shots at multiplex theater late on Sunday night, wounding one person before being shot by an off-duty sheriff's deputy. On Saturday afternoon, a man fired 50 shots in the parking of a California mall, and on Saturday morning a police officer and two employees were shot at a Birmingham, Alabama, hospital. Other than the gunman in the Alabama incident, who fatally wounded by police, no one was killed in any of the shootings.

In addition, to those seemingly random mass shootings, two police officers in Topeka, Kansas, were shot and killed outside a grocery store after responding to a call of a suspicious vehicle.

Coming just hours after one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history, another weekend of public gunfire incidents will only add more fuel to the growing debate over gun control. At the very least they further underscore the difficult of task of not just regulating guns, but overcoming the national obsession with turning to them so quickly and wielding them so openly. The man in Newport Beach, California-who had no criminal record and was a licensed security guard-appears to have not even targeted other people, but merely fired his bullets into the air and into the ground, until police arrived and he surrendered peacefully. No matter your stance on new regulations or new approaches to helping those in trouble, it's obvious that the task of cutting down on gun violence will not be an easy one. your social media marketing partner
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