
David Coombs writes: "Yesterday was my first opportunity to speak with Chelsea since her sentencing. I am happy to report that she is doing very well at the USDB, and has already made several friends who accept her for who she is."

Chelsea Manning is escorted into a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013, before a sentencing hearing in her court martial. (photo: Patrick Semansky/AP)
Chelsea Manning is escorted into a courthouse in Fort Meade, Md., Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2013, before a sentencing hearing in her court martial. (photo: Patrick Semansky/AP)

Chelsea Manning Is 'Doing Well' in Military Prison

By David Coombs, Reader Supported News

30 August 13


RSN Special Coverage: Trial of Bradley Manning

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helsea is currently going through the indoctrination process at the Fort Leavenworth United States Disciplinary Barracks (USDB). The indoctrination process lasts approximately three weeks and is designed to give a new inmate information on the facility and the opportunities available within the USDB. Ordinarily, an inmate is not allowed to have any outside contact during the indoctrination period. The USDB, however, made an exception for Chelsea.

Yesterday was my first opportunity to speak with Chelsea since her sentencing. I am happy to report that she is doing very well at the USDB, and has already made several friends who accept her for who she is. Due to going through indoctrination, Chelsea was unaware of the response to her public statement on the Today show. During our conversation, I informed Chelsea of the overwhelming support for her decision. I also told her about how most responsible media have elected to respect her wishes and refer to her by her new name. Chelsea was very happy to hear of these developments. She requested that I relay how grateful that she is for everyone's understanding and continued support.

In the coming weeks, I will go to the USDB to tour the facility and to speak with the chain of command and the medical health professionals. It is my continued hope that we will be able to obtain hormone therapy and other necessary medical treatment for Chelsea at the USDB. These requests address a serious medical need of Chelsea and are consistent with the general medical community's practice of adequate medical care for those with gender dysphoria.

If you would like to support Chelsea by writing to her, please use the following address (*note that for now the envelope must be addressed to PVT Bradley Manning):

PVT Bradley E. Manning


1300 N. Warehouse Road

Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 66027-2304

You may also look to the Private Manning Support Network and this website for the latest updates on our efforts to support Chelsea through this new phase of her life. your social media marketing partner
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