
Intro: "Port workers in Suez refuse to receive initial seven ton shipment as the Egyptian Ministry of Interior looks to restock after firing tear gas at protesters in Egypt for six days last week."

A protester overcome with tear gas inhalation is helped inside a cafe in downtown Cairo during clashes with Egyptian riot police. (photo: Tara Todras-Whitehill/AP)
A protester overcome with tear gas inhalation is helped inside a cafe in downtown Cairo during clashes with Egyptian riot police. (photo: Tara Todras-Whitehill/AP)

21-Ton US Tear Gas Order to Egypt Blocked at Suez Port

By Ahram Online

30 November 11


group of customs employees at the Suez seaport have revealed that the Egyptian Ministry of Interior is in the process of receiving 21 tons of tear gas from the US.

The claim was supported by Medhat Eissa, an activist in the coastal city of Suez, who provided documents he says he obtained from a group of employees at the Suez Canal customs. The employees have been subjected to questioning for their refusal to allow an initial seven ton shipment of the US-made tear gas canisters enter the port.

A group of employees at the Adabiya Seaport in Suez have confirmed, with the documents to prove it, that a three-stage shipment of in total 21 tons of tear gas canisters is on course for the port from the American port of Wilmington.

Employees say the container ship Danica, carrying seven tons of tear-gas canisters made by the American company Combined Systems, has already arrived at the port, with two similar shipments from the same company expected to arrive within the week. your social media marketing partner
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